View Full Version : So, let's say.................................

09-15-2010, 11:35 AM
...........Republicans do regain a majority this November.

What can we expect? Given all of the rhetoric and and bombast of the right these past couple of years, what do you think we can reasonably expect them to accomplish by, say 2012?

A).Will the economy have recovered?

B).Will the borders be sealed?

C).Will "big government" have been reined in?

D).Will we be at war with Iran?

E).Will "honor" have been "restored" a la "The Founders" and all of that propagandistic hooey?:p

F).Will our basic constitutional freedom to burn inefficient lightbulbs, eat artery clogging potato based products, run red lights undetected, force our fellow man to gag on our wreaking cigarette smoke in eateries and refuse to serve blacks, Mexicans and Muslims at the lunchcounter be restored?

G). Will the business community finally be free to sell dangerous, defective products, exploit workers and rip people of at will without any pesky governmental interference, as the "Founders" and the "Lord our God" intended?

(E, F and G are meant to be sarcastic humor, so don't get your panties in a knot.)

I anxiously await your thoughts..............


09-15-2010, 11:46 AM
A - its likely that a recovery is already in progress, simply given the trends of the last few recessions. If we get a new majority in Congress, will they take credit for it? You betcha. Such is politics.

B - Not likely. Sealing the boards does not appear to be an agenda item for the current administration, and Congress can't force the issue, though they can complain about it a lot if they so choose.

C - One can only hope.

D - The potential is there. Its a powederkeg. No matter what party owns the Majority on Congress, you can bet that Iran will continue to test the West.

E - No. The country will be more at odds than ever before. If you think the rhetoric and vitriol are bad now....

F - As far as the artery - clogging stuff, I hope so. Give me more, baby!

G - God I hope so. Gimme more of that ripping off stuff. That's what made America great.

09-15-2010, 11:52 AM
Good response, and pretty much what I expected from my friends on the right. And pretty close to what I was thinking myself.

I await word from my friends on the left....................


A. I would say you're dead on.

B. I can see that. Although I have seen evidence that the administration has been ramping up deportations.
But, alas, it will be too little, to late and the GOP will take credit for it when the time is right.

C. Nope. We will just go from "Big Government" as run by Democrats to "Big Government" as run by Republicans.

D. Again, I would say you're dead on.

E. Dead on, once again.

F. I love my fast food, but, it's kiling me---literally. And I have no problem with my government insisting on healthier food standards. Is this due to a lack of personal will to simply avoid these food? Yes, it is. And I'm not afraid to admit it.

G. God, I hope not. I see nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing businessmen the right to be assholes. But, I do see it gives the congress the power to "regulate commerce".


09-15-2010, 11:52 AM
It looks like the EU is actually going to take care of Iran, so I doubt it. I hope....

But yeah, the new GOP majority in at least the house'll get credit for the recovery :)

But so too will Obama.

Big government is here to stay. It will not prune itself.


09-15-2010, 11:59 AM
It looks like the EU is actually going to take care of Iran, so I doubt it. I hope....

But yeah, the new GOP majority in at least the house'll get credit for the recovery :)

But so too will Obama.

Big government is here to stay. It will not prune itself.


Pete - how will the EU take care of Iran. I may have missed this news story.

I suspect you're right about big government, sadly.

09-15-2010, 12:19 PM
I expect that the GOP will come in, talk tough, and clog things up for a while. Then they'll realize that they're getting the lion's share of the blame for the increased dysfunction. They'll retrench and act semi-reasonably, but too late for themselves to offer up a trustworthy candidate for President in 2012. Obama will win again and the GOP's blowhard antics over the next two years in Congress will be responsible for it (a redux of 1996).

As for the posed questions, nothing will really change other than the GOP will ultimately find out (yet again) that it is far more difficult governing than it is throwing bombs from the back bench. The pendulum will continue to swing.

09-15-2010, 12:42 PM
Whell, Blair and some key folks over there have been leading a steady drumbeat of increased sanctions etc for a while now and has pointedly not ruled out military action.

I believe they may finally be realizing that if they want us to be a 'team player' they'll have to do more than, well, bitch and moan and start acting like they're on the team. Like that old story about helping to make the bread to get to eat it.

I'm hoping, but I'm also not holding my breath. For my leftie friends, I do understand they are helping somewhat in Afghanistan.


09-15-2010, 12:51 PM
I expect that the GOP will come in, talk tough, and clog things up for a while. Then they'll realize that they're getting the lion's share of the blame for the increased dysfunction. They'll retrench and act semi-reasonably, but too late for themselves to offer up a trustworthy candidate for President in 2012. Obama will win again and the GOP's blowhard antics over the next two years in Congress will be responsible for it (a redux of 1996).

As for the posed questions, nothing will really change other than the GOP will ultimately find out (yet again) that it is far more difficult governing than it is throwing bombs from the back bench. The pendulum will continue to swing.

Good response. I can see that happening. Think of the expectations that have been built up in the minds of so many. Imagine the disappointment they are in for. If you think the left is disappointed in Obama.....................let Grizzly Mom step up to the plate. He, he, he......


09-15-2010, 12:55 PM
Whell, Blair and some key folks over there have been leading a steady drumbeat of increased sanctions etc for a while now and has pointedly not ruled out military action.

I believe they may finally be realizing that if they want us to be a 'team player' they'll have to do more than, well, bitch and moan and start acting like they're on the team. Like that old story about helping to make the bread to get to eat it.

I'm hoping, but I'm also not holding my breath. For my leftie friends, I do understand they are helping somewhat in Afghanistan.


Also, a good post. I have long bemoaned the fact that everyone expects us to be the "World Police". Way past time for us to step back and make Europe and others (Including Israel)-----fight their own battles, IMHO. We can't afford it anymore.


09-15-2010, 01:10 PM
I'm hoping, but I'm also not holding my breath. For my leftie friends, I do understand they are helping somewhat in Afghanistan.


Some of my Canadain cousins are over there, probably a good thing otherewise the Air National Guard pilots would not have anyone for bombing practice.:rolleyes:

09-15-2010, 01:12 PM
Ouch! They didn't succeed I hope.


09-15-2010, 01:33 PM
There were casualties and fatalities.

09-15-2010, 01:52 PM
That's awful! I missed the news, sorry.


09-15-2010, 02:35 PM
It was a couple or three years back, they did put the pilots on trial but it was pretty much of a whitewash. Probably watching too many Tom Cruise movies.