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06-21-2011, 03:16 PM
One has to have been in his shoes before in order to relate. He wasn't to lazy to work. In fact, the job of 17 years should prove that he had ''enough drive''.


06-21-2011, 03:27 PM
One has to have been in his shoes before in order to relate. He wasn't to lazy to work. In fact, the job of 17 years should prove that he had ''enough drive''.


Personally I have never met anyone too lazy to work but the story does go to show the extremes people have to go through here in the land of the "right".

Still want to repeal national healthcare?

personally I am still waiting to see a doctor after three years without healthcare. Why no health care? Because I could no longer work because I was ill. So I could no longer pay the $1200 a month for healthcare.

Yup, I paid $1200 a month for years while I was healthy but once I got sick I no longer had coverage.

Great country.

06-22-2011, 07:59 AM
There are days when I am ashamed of my adopted country.

06-23-2011, 12:37 AM
Personally I have never met anyone too lazy to work but the story does go to show the extremes people have to go through here in the land of the "right".

Still want to repeal national healthcare?

personally I am still waiting to see a doctor after three years without healthcare. Why no health care? Because I could no longer work because I was ill. So I could no longer pay the $1200 a month for healthcare.

Yup, I paid $1200 a month for years while I was healthy but once I got sick I no longer had coverage.

Great country.

And this is what people don't get. We have a system that cuts you off-----if you get too sick to work. And, if that isn't bad enough, they want to bitch about any programs that may be in place to help you.....Consider you to be a "freeloader", living the life of Riley on their dime.:rolleyes:

How many of you have seen what happens when it's one of those "Great Americans" who gets caught in that situation? Hmmmmmm? I know one right now, that's sucking on the government teet. He got "brain damage" from passing out, drunk as a monkey, in the back of a pickup that was later involved in an accident. He wasn't too "brain damaged" to read and sign the application for benefits, that's for sure. Isn't too "brain damaged" to drive, or call me and reminisce about things that happened 27 years ago, tell me all about his fishing trips, the work he's done to his house or bitch about "that Commie ni**er Obama" for hours on end. He tells everyone that he's retired Navy......."retired" after serving HALF of one enlistment? A whopping two years? Ask this clown to show you his discharge certificate----the word "Dishonorable" kinda jumps out at you. Oh, but he's a TRUE BLUE TEA PARTY PATRIOT, and damn proud of it, who despises the fact that there are people living off of his "retirement" check.:rolleyes:

And people wonder where I get the notion?:confused:


06-23-2011, 07:53 AM
And this is what people don't get. We have a system that cuts you off-----if you get too sick to work. And, if that isn't bad enough, they want to bitch about any programs that may be in place to help you.....Consider you to be a "freeloader", living the life of Riley on their dime.:rolleyes:

How many of you have seen what happens when it's one of those "Great Americans" who gets caught in that situation? Hmmmmmm? I know one right now, that's sucking on the government teet. He got "brain damage" from passing out, drunk as a monkey, in the back of a pickup that was later involved in an accident. He wasn't too "brain damaged" to read and sign the application for benefits, that's for sure. Isn't too "brain damaged" to drive, or call me and reminisce about things that happened 27 years ago, tell me all about his fishing trips, the work he's done to his house or bitch about "that Commie ni**er Obama" for hours on end. He tells everyone that he's retired Navy......."retired" after serving HALF of one enlistment? A whopping two years? Ask this clown to show you his discharge certificate----the word "Dishonorable" kinda jumps out at you. Oh, but he's a TRUE BLUE TEA PARTY PATRIOT, and damn proud of it, who despises the fact that there are people living off of his "retirement" check.:rolleyes:

And people wonder where I get the notion?:confused:


He might not be brain damaged, but he is obviously incapable of thinking.



06-23-2011, 11:55 AM
Tom Sullivan did this story on his radio show yesterday.

The problem this guy was TRYING to solve was medical care. But that wasn't truly his main problem. He was turned down by Soc Sec for disability (damned heartless govt!). So he devised a plan to divest all of his assets. Spent everything but the motel fee for his last day of freedom. Gave away some stuff.

ACTUALLY -- under the current rules, he COULD stopped at giving everything away because he was then eligible for MediCaid under ANYBODY's rules!

Even if there was no disability, he was probably capable of staying out of living off the streets. But his primary problem was lack of income, not that he wasn't eligible for public healthcare..

06-23-2011, 11:59 AM
And this is what people don't get. We have a system that cuts you off-----if you get too sick to work. And, if that isn't bad enough, they want to bitch about any programs that may be in place to help you.....Consider you to be a "freeloader", living the life of Riley on their dime.:rolleyes:

How many of you have seen what happens when it's one of those "Great Americans" who gets caught in that situation? Hmmmmmm? I know one right now, that's sucking on the government teet. He got "brain damage" from passing out, drunk as a monkey, in the back of a pickup that was later involved in an accident. He wasn't too "brain damaged" to read and sign the application for benefits, that's for sure. Isn't too "brain damaged" to drive, or call me and reminisce about things that happened 27 years ago, tell me all about his fishing trips, the work he's done to his house or bitch about "that Commie ni**er Obama" for hours on end. He tells everyone that he's retired Navy......."retired" after serving HALF of one enlistment? A whopping two years? Ask this clown to show you his discharge certificate----the word "Dishonorable" kinda jumps out at you. Oh, but he's a TRUE BLUE TEA PARTY PATRIOT, and damn proud of it, who despises the fact that there are people living off of his "retirement" check.:rolleyes:

And people wonder where I get the notion?:confused:


That's the problem with these "open enrollment" political parties. You can't post a "no shoes, no shirt, no service" sign at the door. We got the same problem with anarchists always trying to heist the Libertarian Party. They do consistent damage to us with their narco-revolutionary-madattheworld nonsense.