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05-24-2012, 07:20 PM

read the link, this gal isn't my rep. but pretty close by. I guess the GOP is growing a set in regards to their way far right blowhards. She likened the Healthcare reform act to rape. See what shit passes for local politics in Orange Co. it's almost enough for me too emigrate, somedays.:rolleyes:

05-25-2012, 03:51 PM
No, Bob. Stay there. You're the last of the Mohicans in OC. Don't let the bastards drive you out..........

05-25-2012, 04:35 PM
Think the GOP is finally having some remorse for its fling with the tea party. They're just hoping the penicillin kicks in before insanity does.



05-25-2012, 07:13 PM
The teabaggers are spreading the big S? Well that explains a lot of their rational deep thinking and that pinstripe of compassion they've exhibited. Why don't we reopen Molokai and just send 'em there as a public health precaution. Does the CDC know about this?:rolleyes:

05-25-2012, 07:27 PM
No, Bob. Stay there. You're the last of the Mohicans in OC. Don't let the bastards drive you out..........

I've been wanting out for some time now but what can a donkey do, but die in the traces for the betterment of the community.......who the hell am I kidding. I'm just stubborn, (couldn't be the Germanic/ Missoura heritage rearing it's ugly head) I just achieved curmudgonhood. I ain't leaving too too soon, there's still people I need to piss off around here. Maybe I should amuse myself at some city council meetings as ours is ground zero for this teabagger nonsense in the OC.
How do ya like my sig line?

05-25-2012, 07:43 PM
The teabaggers are spreading the big S? Well that explains a lot of their rational deep thinking and that pinstripe of compassion they've exhibited. Why don't we reopen Molokai and just send 'em there as a public health precaution. Does the CDC know about this?:rolleyes:

Hey now. I worked danged hard on that metaphor.



05-25-2012, 08:06 PM
Hey now. I worked danged hard on that metaphor.



Sorry, i just thought they was just a havin' a hard time with it. :)

05-25-2012, 08:11 PM
:oI'm always tryin' to set the hook too soon.:cool:On a lighter note I went and bought me a fishing license. It don't say anything about size or catch limits in regards to Republicans probably cause they're plentiful in these waters.
Time to go fishin'!!

05-25-2012, 11:32 PM
Gosh, Bachman's cousin.


05-26-2012, 12:07 AM
The Tea Party aint too bad, when compared to obummer and perhaps romney?! Now im skittish about romney. But him over obummer is what im looking at. At least romney isnt communist.

05-26-2012, 08:06 AM
The Tea Party aint too bad, when compared to obummer and perhaps romney?! Now im skittish about romney. But him over obummer is what im looking at. At least romney isnt communist.

How about some reliable source or information to back up your claim that Obama is a communist....

05-26-2012, 10:16 AM
I suppose it's all relative, Barb. In Teabagger circles, anyone to left of Attila the Hun is a communist.

05-26-2012, 10:38 AM
Consider the people he hung out with. All you gottaa do is read his "dreams of my father" book. Personally i havent read it. But ive heard parts of his taped voice doing a read of the book. Its where he admits to eating dog. And here he berated romney of having his dog on his cars roof...:D funny

Rex E.
05-26-2012, 10:43 AM
Consider the people he hung out with. All you gottaa do is read his "dreams of my father" book. Personally i havent read it. But ive heard parts of his taped voice doing a read of the book. Its where he admits to eating dog. And here he berated romney of having his dog on his cars roof...:D funny

I tell my little dachshund all the time that she better hope I don't lose my job. She's got some mighty fine fryin' quarters on her ;)

05-26-2012, 11:10 AM
LOL rex. im glad i dont have a dog...when famine comes around...:D

just a snippet.

05-26-2012, 11:18 AM
Consider the people he hung out with. All you gottaa do is read his "dreams of my father" book. Personally i havent read it. But ive heard parts of his taped voice doing a read of the book. Its where he admits to eating dog. And here he berated romney of having his dog on his cars roof...:D funny

You might want to provide a citation to any time when Obama had comments about the traveling conditions for Romney's dog. Obama has, however, joked bout the brouhaha over his foray into canine cuisine. You're a little low on specifics to support your position.



05-26-2012, 11:22 AM
Im probably thinking of the media reaction to romneys dog on the roof. Its kinda hard to tell them apart from obama...

05-26-2012, 11:31 AM
Consider the people he hung out with. All you gottaa do is read his "dreams of my father" book. Personally i havent read it. But ive heard parts of his taped voice doing a read of the book. Its where he admits to eating dog. And here he berated romney of having his dog on his cars roof...:D funny

So, since Bush visited china and ate with the chinese leaders, he is a communist too? He was "hanging out" with them afterall.......

And, I did read Obama's book...there wasn't one thing in there that would make any reasonable person believe that obama is a communist.

So...... here is another chance............please provide any legitimate source or information that defines Obama as being a communist.

05-26-2012, 11:34 AM
read away.


05-26-2012, 11:42 AM
read away.


you are joking.........right?
you are offering me an extreme right wing unidentified blogger whose site is one big inaccurate rant against Obama as a reliable source?

I'm not sure if I should be laughing my butt off or feeling sorry for you!

05-26-2012, 11:49 AM
The articles have their sources in plain sight...

05-26-2012, 11:51 AM
Yeah, a worker for the discredited and disgraced House Unamerican Activities Committee. Once again a remnant of the long gone fifties.



05-26-2012, 12:10 PM
The articles have their sources in plain sight...

I asked for reliable sources..............sorry, but, extreme right wing sources are no more reliable than extreme left wing sources........

05-26-2012, 12:23 PM
Its not so much the blogger. But where teh links go. I really dont care for the blogger.

05-26-2012, 07:30 PM
Is obamaismbloggspot the one where the administration tried mightily to discredit? nd succeeded? Ive thought about it and recall hearing about a blogger being discredited. Is the link the same individual?

05-26-2012, 08:06 PM
The Tea Party aint too bad, when compared to obummer and perhaps romney?! Now im skittish about romney. But him over obummer is what im looking at. At least romney isnt communist.

Obama a communist. That's laughable. I look at him as more of what a Republican was 40+ years ago.

05-26-2012, 08:09 PM
Consider the people he hung out with. All you gottaa do is read his "dreams of my father" book. Personally i havent read it. But ive heard parts of his taped voice doing a read of the book. Its where he admits to eating dog. And here he berated romney of having his dog on his cars roof...:D funny

You are a constant source of amusement.

I have eaten dog and horse. Very tasty. I draw the line at eating fresh monkey brains though.

05-26-2012, 08:14 PM
read away.


Bwahahahahahahahahhah!!!!! the entertainment you provide is beyond priceless. If you believe any of the shit on the page you posted then it is time to get a life.:rolleyes:

05-26-2012, 08:45 PM
glad youre humored. :D So the news papers that ran the stories are also discredited?

05-26-2012, 08:47 PM
You are a constant source of amusement.

I have eaten dog and horse. Very tasty. I draw the line at eating fresh monkey brains though.

was the dog "tough" as obama said? Thats where i draw the line...so what was the dogs name?

05-26-2012, 09:24 PM
I would imagine that some of the rugged individualists around here would be bragging about how they utilized whatever they needed to survive if they were faced with a situation of significant deprivation. Such is the situation faced by many in the cultures that Obama visited.



05-26-2012, 09:27 PM
was the dog "tough" as obama said? Thats where i draw the line...so what was the dogs name?

No, it was deliciously tender. In the 1970's they settled a large number of Vietnamese refugees here in NW Arkansas. I was working at a Vietnamese apartment on some AC issues. They insisted I have lunch with them. I learned later that it was dog meat. That is after a few Geneva gins so I did not care. http://www.happy-hour.com/word/?id=118

The horse I ate was in France. I bought some property there a few years ago in Aquitaine. The property is inland, but not far from the Bay of Biscay.

I went to a Quaker school. For some reason they start teaching you the French language before you start the first grade. That combined with four semesters of Deutsche in college makes me think I can muddle my way around the country.

I am dead ass serious. This country is beginning to scare me. I may be pulling up roots and moving to France, or Canada, I own land there too.

05-26-2012, 09:43 PM
hmm a Quaker...im Quaker too. Was a Moravian before that. At least you had some in America...where the FDA has jurisdiction...:D Them Indonesian dogs must be something else! :)

I hear you about this country...obummer is not good for it. Considering his bills and values....:( He is so against American culture. Starting from the founders...The constitution is what made america great in the first place.

05-26-2012, 09:46 PM
The church i have been going to strictly teaches what is in the bible. NOt mans mandates...a big nono...poke fun at me for my faith if you will. My conservativeism is because of my faith...charity where it is needed. If a man can work, he should, other wise he should not eat. To shame him...i totally butchered it. but its a close approximation...

05-26-2012, 10:51 PM
Shame is not a major component of the place where I worship. Nor is condemning others because of their culture. Much of what I believe our society should be is because of the way I was raised, including the church I was raised in. The society I see is much different than the society advocated by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Jim Boehner, Rick Santorum and Paul Ryan.



05-26-2012, 11:24 PM
when i was a part of the Moravian Church, and i wasnt working because i was let go, i voluntarily excused myself from bible studies..From an early age i learned to wrk hard. At nine, i saw my dad with a very bad back ache. He got it because i didnt help him with pulling the fish in while commercial fishing. That tought me to pull my own weight. Literally. After age ten i tried my best not to put him down...at 17 he had me lift a drum of gasaoline(55 gallons) and i hurt my back...i still had to work to pull in the net.

Im not trying to be confrontational. And i am not condemning any for their beliefs. Political or other wise. We all differ. I can understand that...and debate is good.

Much of what i hear on limbaugh and beck is, look what is happening. And they explain it. With regard to obama, they see his ties with the DSA (democratic so************************ts of america) And where does so************************m led to? Almost 100 percent of the time to communism...tyranny. i dont know what will happen to my earned system. Will the govmint say that i have too much...and what i have should be given to others, who are better deserving...obama bills have me worried...as i see them as a path to tyranny...where cronyism is at its finest...Trickle down tyranny...google it...I havent read it. But i agree with whaat he says of obama. Just look at obamas actions as a president, his bills. I dont care who wrote them...who did? i do not know.....if its the farr right who wrote them and he approved them. let us know! if its the far left. let us know.

If all you listen toO is the mass media, one day you will say to your self. WTF!

05-27-2012, 12:28 AM
You keep saying "I haven't read, but someone said . . . ." If you keep letting others do your thinking for you, you're going to wake up someday and say "Whoa, WTF." :rolleyes:



05-27-2012, 12:35 AM
I would imagine that some of the rugged individualists around here would be bragging about how they utilized whatever they needed to survive if they were faced with a situation of significant deprivation. Such is the situation faced by many in the cultures that Obama visited.



Brings to mind cannibalism, if'n yew askt me! I hear democrats makes good stew.:)

05-27-2012, 12:40 AM
I'm thinkin' it's stereorob 2.1 diddlin' wif us, DRay. Better check his IP, bud.

05-27-2012, 01:41 AM
do u mean eve stereorob got kicked off this forum?
hehe funny

05-27-2012, 01:44 AM
bob can you give me the recipe. perhaps im going to need it...plenty of dems(liberals) (republicans?) here...

05-27-2012, 01:46 AM
bib, just because some one disagees with you doesnt mean he is wrong..]P VICE VERSA?

05-27-2012, 02:01 AM
Yeah right, whatever.:rolleyes:

05-27-2012, 05:28 AM
Yeah right, whatever.:rolleyes:

You are intrigued and fascinated with the intellectual depth of his every post?:confused:

05-27-2012, 07:31 AM
You are intrigued and fascinated with the intellectual depth of his every post?:confused:

I've seen deeper puddles in a parking lot.

05-27-2012, 07:48 AM
Budget, Stereorob didn't get banned here, and unless you start spamming, you won't either. Ironically, your right to refer to the President as a commie, call him names and ridicule him are absolutely protected. Were the President actually of the totalitarian ilk you allege, you would have much more to worry about than being banned from a website. :eek:



05-27-2012, 12:54 PM
hmm a Quaker...im Quaker too. Was a Moravian before that. At least you had some in America...where the FDA has jurisdiction...:D Them Indonesian dogs must be something else! :)

I hear you about this country...obummer is not good for it. Considering his bills and values....:( He is so against American culture. Starting from the founders...The constitution is what made america great in the first place.

I am not a Quaker. I just attended Westtown Friends.


I suspect my reasons for possibly moving out of this country are completely diametrically opposed to your reasons.

You are correct, the Constitution is a very important document. That is why I cringed the entire eight years of Bush's administration as he trampled all over peoples Constitutional rights.

If you research the topics below from the years 2000 to 2008 you will learn a lot about Americans losing our Constitutional rights.

Do you know that if you want to read the Patriot act you can't read the whole thing because large sections are classified top secret.

*The Patriot Act
*The Fourth Amendment
*Spying on Americans with no judicial oversight
*The repeal of Posse Comitatus Act
*The repeal of Habeas Corpus
*The legislation rammed though by Bush on May 9, 2007 which allows the President, and ONLY the President, to determine what constitutes a "national emergency"

05-27-2012, 01:27 PM
Budget, Stereorob didn't get banned here, and unless you start spamming, you won't either. Ironically, your right to refer to the President as a commie, call him names and ridicule him are absolutely protected. Were the President actually of the totalitarian ilk you allege, you would have much more to worry about than being banned from a website. :eek:



Oh, no, Don. Don't point out that we are NOT oppressed. Nothing pisses them off worse.

05-27-2012, 02:07 PM
Oh, no, Don. Don't point out that we are NOT oppressed. Nothing pisses them off worse.

We need to start asking them how to spell their name so we make it sure we get it right when we report their statements to the government. When they hear that late night knock on the door, they'll know that Big Brother was watching. :rolleyes:



05-28-2012, 01:37 AM
I am not a Quaker. I just attended Westtown Friends.


I suspect my reasons for possibly moving out of this country are completely diametrically opposed to your reasons.

You are correct, the Constitution is a very important document. That is why I cringed the entire eight years of Bush's administration as he trampled all over peoples Constitutional rights.

If you research the topics below from the years 2000 to 2008 you will learn a lot about Americans losing our Constitutional rights.

Do you know that if you want to read the Patriot act you can't read the whole thing because large sections are classified top secret.

*The Patriot Act
*The Fourth Amendment
*Spying on Americans with no judicial oversight
*The repeal of Posse Comitatus Act
*The repeal of Habeas Corpus
*The legislation rammed though by Bush on May 9, 2007 which allows the President, and ONLY the President, to determine what constitutes a "national emergency"

gotcha. I will google them starred sentences. just not tonight. getting late. and thanks for sharing them.

05-28-2012, 02:03 AM
bluestreak, please dont get upst. oh nevermind! :) He just needs one more term and he just may have it. After all his mentors have been of communist agendas. As student takes after his teachers and he was a willing student by the policies he posesses...even moochelle. Dictating to the military. You are going to eat this and this very soon...undertonements of tyranny. And this is the guys wife. Think for your selves. Making a law of what is good enough to eat for a school student ? even the military...reeks of tyranny...at its initial beginnings.

What i think will happen is that after bummer

05-28-2012, 02:15 AM
Brings to mind cannibalism, if'n yew askt me! I hear democrats makes good stew.:)

you must give me the recipe...ereqthc

05-28-2012, 02:36 AM
you must give me the recipe...ereqthc

Shit I guess I need a translator- WTF is ereqthc? Is that textspeak or gibberish?

05-28-2012, 03:13 AM
it means blanche. retch. puke in other words...:D

05-28-2012, 03:17 AM
think of how ereqtch sounds like puking. Never had the flu before?

05-28-2012, 04:18 AM
bluestreak, please dont get upst. oh nevermind! :) He just needs one more term and he just may have it. After all his mentors have been of communist agendas. As student takes after his teachers and he was a willing student by the policies he posesses...even moochelle. Dictating to the military. You are going to eat this and this very soon...undertonements of tyranny. And this is the guys wife. Think for your selves. Making a law of what is good enough to eat for a school student ? even the military...reeks of tyranny...at its initial beginnings.

What i think will happen is that after bummer

The President and Commander in Chief is SUPPOSED to dictate to the military. Just what in the hell do you think Commander in Chief means?

This nations kids eat too much crap. Look at the diabetes and obesity rates. If we continue to ignore this problem, our healthcare issues are only going to snowball. It's obvious the parents aren't going to do anything about it and "the market" will only feed the little piglets whatever their apathetic parents will pay for. (And then be there with a big smile to charge exhorbitant prices for the treatments, of course.:rolleyes:)

So, you tell me what the answer is.

I do think for myself.

You're the one who needs to grow a brain.

And, I'll damn well get upset if I want to.:p

05-28-2012, 04:21 AM
Shit I guess I need a translator- WTF is ereqthc? Is that textspeak or gibberish?


05-28-2012, 04:26 AM
bluestreak, please dont get upst. oh nevermind! :) He just needs one more term and he just may have it. After all his mentors have been of communist agendas. As student takes after his teachers and he was a willing student by the policies he posesses...even moochelle. Dictating to the military. You are going to eat this and this very soon...undertonements of tyranny. And this is the guys wife. Think for your selves. Making a law of what is good enough to eat for a school student ? even the military...reeks of tyranny...at its initial beginnings.

What i think will happen is that after bummer

"Moochele" - sounds like the kind of insults kids come up with in junior high - and then they grow out of them.

Kinda like using Obummer, it's just so danged cute. :rolleyes:



05-28-2012, 04:35 AM
"Moochele" - sounds like the kind of insults kids come up with in junior high - and then they grow out of them.

Kinda like using Obummer, it's just so danged cute. :rolleyes:



I waiting for; "Yeah, well my Dad can kick your Dads ass!":rolleyes:

05-28-2012, 05:39 AM
I waiting for; "Yeah, well my Dad can kick your Dads ass!":rolleyes:

Yeah it appears mommy has put junior to bed, I haven't the
time nor the inclination to debate a child. Google Prince Albert in a can budgie.
Enjoy the silence..

05-28-2012, 06:53 AM
The church i have been going to strictly teaches what is in the bible. NOt mans mandates...a big nono...poke fun at me for my faith if you will. My conservativeism is because of my faith...charity where it is needed. If a man can work, he should, other wise he should not eat. To shame him...i totally butchered it. but its a close approximation...

You do realize that the bible was written by men, God did not fax it down.

05-28-2012, 06:56 AM
Much of what i hear on limbaugh and beck is, look what is happening. And they explain it.

Well that certainly explains a lot, those two idiots could not find their arse with both hands and a flashlight.:p

05-28-2012, 10:37 AM
You do realize that the bible was written by men, God did not fax it down.

LMAO! I'm adding that line to my quote collection.

05-28-2012, 04:34 PM
think of how ereqtch sounds like puking. Never had the flu before?

Nope, don't believe I have ever heard that sound while puking my guts out after I suffered full blown food poisoning a few years ago. An ereqtch or blanche sound did not come from either hole. All I remember hearing is my own voice shouting , "damn..not again" :eek:

05-29-2012, 12:09 AM
You do realize that the bible was written by men, God did not fax it down.

All scripture is written in inspiration of the Holy Ghost.Holy Spirit.

All scripture is profitable for doctrine. Read the new testament...read your bible before you poke fun at it.

05-29-2012, 12:15 AM
The President and Commander in Chief is SUPPOSED to dictate to the military. Just what in the hell do you think Commander in Chief means?

This nations kids eat too much crap. Look at the diabetes and obesity rates. If we continue to ignore this problem, our healthcare issues are only going to snowball. It's obvious the parents aren't going to do anything about it and "the market" will only feed the little piglets whatever their apathetic parents will pay for. (And then be there with a big smile to charge exhorbitant prices for the treatments, of course.:rolleyes:)

So, you tell me what the answer is.

I do think for myself.

You're the one who needs to grow a brain.

And, I'll damn well get upset if I want to.:p

Its in the eye of the parent. I practice restraint on what my kids eat. I buy very little of what is bad for them...Even powder juice. My kids ask for it, but its still too much sugar...my dad used to tell me to buy more soda for them. but no, im not doing it...its got acid in it...ealth is in the eyes of the parents. If they want unhealthy kids, then they have the right to do so.

It is after all a free country. No need to get into marxism for it. Or shall i say public health.

05-29-2012, 12:18 AM
I waiting for; "Yeah, well my Dad can kick your Dads ass!":rolleyes:

So i stick up for my own. if i cant afford it. then oh well. im not expecting any one to feel sorry for me. So when can i start expecting to start paying for the things you want? I dont make much, but in the past i have supported another family with my earnings...govmint didnt require it. i chose to do it. I can do it again for you...

05-29-2012, 12:21 AM
"Moochele" - sounds like the kind of insults kids come up with in junior high - and then they grow out of them.

Kinda like using Obummer, it's just so danged cute. :rolleyes:



They go on a vacation every few weeks. And moochelle goes on a seperate jet then the one obummer does. MOOCHELL MOOCHES OF YOUR TAXES WHEN SHE GOES ON THEM VACATIONS... sorry for yelling. didnt catch my pinky touching the cap locks...mooche!

05-29-2012, 02:28 AM
All scripture is written in inspiration of the Holy Ghost.Holy Spirit.

All scripture is profitable for doctrine. Read the new testament...read your bible before you poke fun at it.


05-29-2012, 02:37 AM
Its in the eye of the parent. I practice restraint on what my kids eat. I buy very little of what is bad for them...Even powder juice. My kids ask for it, but its still too much sugar...my dad used to tell me to buy more soda for them. but no, im not doing it...its got acid in it...ealth is in the eyes of the parents. If they want unhealthy kids, then they have the right to do so.

It is after all a free country. No need to get into marxism for it. Or shall i say public health.

So, tell me; How do you make sure every, heck.....most or even some parents use restraint in feeding their kids....without "nudging" them or "telling them what to do."?

You can't.

At some point people must be "nudged" or even TOLD what to do.

This is the question that always trips up the folks on the right. This is where they say, "Oh, well you just use financial pressure. Make it cost them through higher premiums and they'll straighten up."------That's nudging. Same-same, no difference. Whether you fine someone or jack up their premiums, you are punishing them for not doing as they are told----"nudging".



05-29-2012, 07:19 AM
All scripture is written in inspiration of the Holy Ghost.Holy Spirit.

All scripture is profitable for doctrine. Read the new testament...read your bible before you poke fun at it.

Sonny I have read it, in fact mine is inscribed "Given to Robert ___ for perfect attendance" at the Sunday School.

All you really need to do is read Matthew, starting around Chapter 6.

For a practicing Christian you sure do not have very kind words for others.

Rabbi Hillel summed it up thusly;

"That which is distasteful to you do not do unto others, that is the law, the rest is mere commentary."

05-29-2012, 09:16 AM
They go on a vacation every few weeks. And moochelle goes on a seperate jet then the one obummer does. MOOCHELL MOOCHES OF YOUR TAXES WHEN SHE GOES ON THEM VACATIONS... sorry for yelling. didnt catch my pinky touching the cap locks...mooche!

Take a hint. Your posts are juvenile. Your persistence in using insulting nicknames is doing nothing to convince anyone of anything except that you do not think for yourself, and that you certainly don't think before you hit the submit button. You might also want to look into a spell checker. If you want your posts to be viewed as anything other than comic relief, you seriously ought to take a minute to read them before you post them. Read them critically, because you can be sure that everyone else will - or they will stop reading them altogether.



05-29-2012, 09:55 AM
They go on a vacation every few weeks. And moochelle goes on a seperate jet then the one obummer does. MOOCHELL MOOCHES OF YOUR TAXES WHEN SHE GOES ON THEM VACATIONS... sorry for yelling. didnt catch my pinky touching the cap locks...mooche!

You should tattoo "Dittohead" across your forehead. It would save you from having to talk (and prevent anyone from wanting to listen).

05-29-2012, 02:39 PM
You do realize that the bible was written by men, God did not fax it down.

Good one.

I am sure the Bible was passed along orally for centuries, especially the Old Testament. People had much better memory skills than we do today. However story tellers do tend to embellish to make a story better.

The Jeffersonian Bible strips the New Testament of all of it's supernatural events and leaves the reader with a very good story of a remarkable man named Jesus Christ. Jesus led a life caring for the less fortunate in his time. For his charitable deeds he was put to death for being critical of the Pharisees and cleaning up the financial system i.e. throwing the money changers out of The Temple. After he was put to death he was laid to rest.

The End

God does have a very good way written info down to Earth.


05-29-2012, 02:44 PM
Thanks wgrr, it's nice to have that laid to rest :p Cleaned up the financial system lol.

Jefferson recanted later in life you know. As he got wiser you could say ;)


05-29-2012, 03:33 PM
I always figured recanting was simply a CYA move.

05-29-2012, 04:12 PM
Good one.

I am sure the Bible was passed along orally for centuries, especially the Old Testament. People had much better memory skills than we do today. However story tellers do tend to embellish to make a story better.

The Jeffersonian Bible strips the New Testament of all of it's supernatural events and leaves the reader with a very good story of a remarkable man named Jesus Christ. Jesus led a life caring for the less fortunate in his time. For his charitable deeds he was put to death for being critical of the Pharisees and cleaning up the financial system i.e. throwing the money changers out of The Temple. After he was put to death he was laid to rest.

The End

God does have a very good way written info down to Earth.


They also have a way of adding their own personal prejudices and hatreds----of the sin, not the sinner...:rolleyes:

And what's wrong with having job creat....um, err, I mean "money changers" in the temple? Some idiot liberal must have added THAT part. We all know Jesus would have welcomed them in. I mean, after all, these are the people who start businesses so they can give us all jobs and throw gobs of money around like halloween candy.......right?

I mean....money.....that is what Jesus was all about.......Well, he WAS, wasn't he?

05-29-2012, 05:21 PM
How does this thread veer into religion? Apparently, evangelicals can't restrain themselves from interjecting the speaking in tongues into any conversation is how it appears to me.

For budgie to call out Rob as a heretic for his observation is the height of prideful behaviour or has that prohibition been stricken from your gospel,eh?

The scripture has been reworded and translated so many times that I for one doubt the veracity of most of it's content. Somehow I doubt that the Holy Ghost is God's typesetter.

That previous sentiment does not mean that the King James version is a complete fabrication, in my opinion. There appears to be much good to be gleaned from it but to consider it to be the literal and complete word of God is just absurd.

I agree with Dave though, It does appear to have a very leftist bent to it. I do wonder how the teabaggers reconcile the removal of the moneychangers from the temple with their support of Mittz?

05-29-2012, 06:05 PM
Thanks wgrr, it's nice to have that laid to rest :p Cleaned up the financial system lol.

Jefferson recanted later in life you know. As he got wiser you could say ;)


Well the cleaning up of the banking system was tongue in cheek, but there was a class warfare battle in the time of Jesus' life on earth between the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

I am going to do a little research. It looks interesting. Very few people know that both Herod and Pilate both found Jesus innocent of his charges. It was the people that insisted he be put to death. The biggest problem is the New Testament was written many years after the death of Jesus. That leaves it open to a lot of skepticism.

That is funny, how can Jefferson recant for writing a book he never published. He finished "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth", which is the actual title, in 1820. He passed it around to friends to read. Jefferson died in 1826.

The book ended up in his great grand-daughters possession Until 1895 when she sold it to the Smithsonian for $400. It was published, for the first time in 1895, by The National Museum. In 2009 the Smithsonian did a restoration of the original book. It is public domain and anyone can publish it and many have.

My point is I suspect that if he "recanted" He would have destroyed the only copy. Instead he left it to his heirs to be immortalized into the history of this country.

I have read a lot about Jefferson over the years. There is a ton of mis-information out there concerning Jefferson's life, his writings, and letters. Bogus Jefferson quotes are used by the left and right in their signature lines all over the Internet. Even the quotes inscribed into the Jefferson Memorial are dicey. While the words are Jefferson's, a single quote may contain bits and pieces of various sentences in his extensive writings. Some quotes were rearranged from their original form to make Jefferson look more like a God fearing Christian.


05-29-2012, 06:37 PM
Oh, now that just CAN'T be! Everyone knows there was no such thing as "class warfare" before FDR came along and ruined Utopia.:rolleyes:

05-29-2012, 10:57 PM
How does this thread veer into religion? Apparently, evangelicals can't restrain themselves from interjecting the speaking in tongues into any conversation is how it appears to me.

For budgie to call out Rob as a heretic for his observation is the height of prideful behaviour or has that prohibition been stricken from your gospel,eh?

The scripture has been reworded and translated so many times that I for one doubt the veracity of most of it's content. Somehow I doubt that the Holy Ghost is God's typesetter.

That previous sentiment does not mean that the King James version is a complete fabrication, in my opinion. There appears to be much good to be gleaned from it but to consider it to be the literal and complete word of God is just absurd.

I agree with Dave though, It does appear to have a very leftist bent to it. I do wonder how the teabaggers reconcile the removal of the moneychangers from the temple with their support of Mittz?

KJVstick with it. or learn hebrew. It sticks with the original translation from greek to hebrew. .

05-29-2012, 11:05 PM
KJVstick with it. or learn hebrew. It sticks with the original translation from greek to hebrew. .

Sure it does.:rolleyes:

05-29-2012, 11:10 PM
bob, prove your stance.

05-30-2012, 01:14 AM
Prove yours, wingnut.

05-30-2012, 07:28 AM
Corinthians 13 "And now abideth three thing, faith, hope and charity" except the original Greek said love, not charity. But you knew that.

05-30-2012, 07:39 AM
Corinthians 13 "And now abideth three thing, faith, hope and charity" except the original Greek said love, not charity. But you knew that.

I try Rob..sometimes though I wish there were some lions handy.;)

05-30-2012, 07:47 AM
KJVstick with it. or learn hebrew. It sticks with the original translation from greek to hebrew. .

Well, you must not be a good Quaker. The Old testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The new Testament was written in the scholarly language of the time: Greek.

Since the Jewish faith could not read Hebrew at the time the New testament was written, between 50 AD to 100 AD, The Old Testament was translated from Hebrew to Greek.

It would be a good idea for you to learn Hebrew. It will help when you start your translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls into English.

It is Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve! :eek:

05-30-2012, 07:59 AM
How does this thread veer into religion? Apparently, evangelicals can't restrain themselves from interjecting the speaking in tongues into any conversation is how it appears to me.

For budgie to call out Rob as a heretic for his observation is the height of prideful behaviour or has that prohibition been stricken from your gospel,eh?

The scripture has been reworded and translated so many times that I for one doubt the veracity of most of it's content. Somehow I doubt that the Holy Ghost is God's typesetter.

That previous sentiment does not mean that the King James version is a complete fabrication, in my opinion. There appears to be much good to be gleaned from it but to consider it to be the literal and complete word of God is just absurd.

I agree with Dave though, It does appear to have a very leftist bent to it. I do wonder how the teabaggers reconcile the removal of the moneychangers from the temple with their support of Mittz?

Ghguipwe he woozu et eepper, Bob :)

Romney makes money off the church? It was the only time he got angry. Although it does seem the Mormons are quite wealthy overall.

Wgrr yeah, it was the people. Love the give and take between Jesus and his detractors. An excellent read even if you don't believe :)


05-30-2012, 05:28 PM
Ghguipwe he woozu et eepper, Bob :)

Romney makes money off the church? It was the only time he got angry. Although it does seem the Mormons are quite wealthy overall.

Wgrr yeah, it was the people. Love the give and take between Jesus and his detractors. An excellent read even if you don't believe :)


You know I once bid the HVAC job on a Mormon church and won the bid. I will never make that mistake again. At the time, around 1992, the Mormon church owned controlling interest in Honeywell, I was forced to use their crappy "energy saving" controls. The warranty repairs on that crap absorbed all of my profits.

I guess you can tell I am not voting for Romney. Beside the fact that he was born in Mexico and can't run for Prez. I demand to see his birth certificate!

05-30-2012, 10:47 PM
Corinthians 13 "And now abideth three thing, faith, hope and charity" except the original Greek said love, not charity. But you knew that.

Love is what i did it out of. She is my sister in christ. Dont get me wrong. I have many short commings and i probably drink as much as you do...

And she had 3 small children. And she had stopped going to church. I day i called her and said to her im buying groceries for them...I didnt know they were having problems with daycare for her children and was about to quit her job because of not having daycare ...Gave half our food budget to them. And i was glad to do it. And i still got chubby in that time. The Lord is amazing. Enough gas to go to work. Rent paid. Before i started doing that i was losing weight. And in the months i was doing it, i gained 20 or so pounds...again the guvmint didnt make me do it. I did it out of something liberals arent familiar with, charity, out of love

Out of all the times i have given i have been blessed in return...

05-30-2012, 10:55 PM
wgrr. are you suggesting that...um never mind. It is your choice after all.

05-31-2012, 12:23 AM
Ghguipwe he woozu et eepper, Bob :)

That does not compute! (waves arms, flashes lights...);)

05-31-2012, 08:07 AM

You know I once bid the HVAC job on a Mormon church and won the bid. I will never make that mistake again. At the time, around 1992, the Mormon church owned controlling interest in Honeywell, I was forced to use their crappy "energy saving" controls. The warranty repairs on that crap absorbed all of my profits.

I guess you can tell I am not voting for Romney. Beside the fact that he was born in Mexico and can't run for Prez. I demand to see his birth certificate!

Shhh - don't tell anyone, but he's secretly a god ;)


05-31-2012, 10:49 AM

Shhh - don't tell anyone, but he's secretly a potential god ;)


LoL. fixed it;)

05-31-2012, 10:53 AM
Thanks :)

Once godded, do they get together with enlightened scientologists? Inquiring minds want to know!


05-31-2012, 10:58 AM
Thanks :)

Once godded, do they get together with enlightened scientologists? Inquiring minds want to know!


That's heresy! As everyone knows that union produces mules and we know which party they'll line up behind.:rolleyes:

05-31-2012, 11:04 AM
They'll need someone to keep those mules in line.

Hey that'll be the title of my next bestselling 'documentary' book for morons - 'Mule Skinners Of The Gods?'


05-31-2012, 11:08 AM
At least you'll have firewood for next winter..;)

05-31-2012, 11:14 AM
Hawhaw, haw haw haw haw. ;)


05-31-2012, 11:18 AM
Hawhaw, haw haw haw haw. ;)


Jus' waiting for the vicodin to kick in.:) Try the pickled cabbage. I'll be here till November.:D;)

05-31-2012, 10:08 PM
Sorry of when i am i rude. I mean any one no disrespect. But its so easy to get caught up in a tone of a thread. Especially with politics...WHY is that? Perhaps its like the choice in speakers?

06-01-2012, 05:20 AM
Sorry of when i am i rude. I mean any one no disrespect. But its so easy to get caught up in a tone of a thread. Especially with politics...WHY is that? Perhaps its like the choice in speakers?

No need to apologize. The folks around here have defensive quills like porcupines. Are you the Ak'er that had, or has, Tannoys?

06-01-2012, 05:52 AM

Shhh - don't tell anyone, but he's secretly a god ;)


You are probably right. He has been dead for a long time and has come back as a zombie Mormon god. Next thing you know naked people will be eating the flesh off of peoples faces on the sides of a Florida highways.

06-01-2012, 07:45 AM
It's the apocalypse! :D


budget getting worked up occasionally is the nature of the beast. I've learned to only get really really mad when someone on the internet is wrong :D


06-01-2012, 12:57 PM
These folks around here have defensive quills like porcupines.

Sure BH. All of us not just "these folks" as you say.:p

06-01-2012, 05:06 PM
Sure BH. All of us not just "these folks" as you say.:p

I changed it to "the folks." Now, you'll probably think I picked that up from O'Reilly.

06-01-2012, 05:26 PM
I changed it to "the folks." Now, you'll probably think I picked that up from O'Reilly.

:DNow you're just being inclusive. ;) The only O'Reilly I know sells autoparts..:p

06-07-2012, 08:06 PM

An update on this subject for ya. Remember that idjit who sent out that caricature of the White House lawn as a watermelon patch? Defeated by his own. The Obama chimp kerfuffle auteur took her ball and went home.
So who really cares about Orange county republican elections? Probably no one but it's kinda funny that some of the more extreme tea partyists are being too crazy for the Repub establishment in one of the more toxic realms of teapartydom in the country. Orly Taitz also went down the tubes (not soon enough). You probably remember her as the birther maven who lost her little excursion into SCOTUS land and was fined for it.
Look at it as a PSA for you birther, tea sipping knuckleheads. Even the retreads are finding your brand of toxic wackiness a bit distasteful. I wonder why?

06-08-2012, 03:11 AM
Thanks :)

Once godded, do they get together with enlightened scientologists? Inquiring minds want to know!


No, he gets armies of wingnut zombies who drool like Pavlovs dog at the mention of his name.
