View Full Version : Bob Menendez: What a cool fellow!

11-08-2012, 02:19 PM
Election night I was on pins trying to discover if Bob Menendez, a New Jersey senator had survived.
During the time approching the elections his repub opponent unleashed a barrage of extremely negative ads about Bob ,for seven days a week; yeah, 24/7.

Bob's ads were on the other hand about himself: he showed where he was born and grew up, what he he had done and hope to do for his constituents.
It sounded low key and easy going.
In the ads he NEVER mention his opponent's name or said anything about him.

My wife said to me, "Is Menendez stupid? Why doesn't he answer Krylla?"

Well, Bob won. We never thought he would have made it.
Such a cool cat....he probably is a jazz fan. :D

11-08-2012, 02:21 PM
I'm glad I supported him, in fact all the ones I supported won.