View Full Version : Happy Birthday, Charley!!!!!!!!!!!

11-14-2009, 01:54 AM
As you may have heard today is Charles Mansons birthday!

I really don't give a shit, we should have fried this bastard years ago, IMHO.

But, I figure at least Twodogs might have some input as he seems to like Gacy.:rolleyes:


Sandy G
11-14-2009, 03:02 AM
Manson is obviously a survivor, who has learned how to manipulate/exploit the system to suit him. I've seen a few interviews of him, I wonder if he is as crazy as a shithouse rat as he wants us to believe, or if it is an act...

11-14-2009, 04:20 AM
Manson is obviously a survivor, who has learned how to manipulate/exploit the system to suit him. I've seen a few interviews of him, I wonder if he is as crazy as a shithouse rat as he wants us to believe, or if it is an act...

Some people. You make a movie about them and it goes straight to their head.



11-14-2009, 05:10 AM
We as a system may not have been able to take care of ole charlie but mark my words god will..

11-14-2009, 09:44 AM
Manson is obviously a survivor, who has learned how to manipulate/exploit the system to suit him. I've seen a few interviews of him, I wonder if he is as crazy as a shithouse rat as he wants us to believe, or if it is an act...


Evil genius.
He never personally killed anyone.
His followers did it all for him.
We all consider him a murderer, and he is, but his
weapon of choice was drugged and brainwashed people.
