View Full Version : Preper for a Coming Race War

08-22-2013, 10:06 AM
Glade I put my down payment on my Bunker :rolleyes:

"A Department of Homeland Security employee who works on, among other things, the procurement of guns and ammunition for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, spends his nights and weekends preparing for a coming race war and advocating for anti-gay causes"


War on the Horizon Creed

Afrikan people are an international racial family who share a common: homeland (Afrika), Racial origin, culture, destiny, and a bitter enemy – the white race. We are challenged by our common destiny to eradicate the system of racism white supremacy and its benefactors in order to establish righteous Black Dominion over Planet Earth.

We are mandated by our Creator to return to our proper status as rulers of this world. It is within the full rights and responsibility of every member of the Black world family to see to it that this ultimate goal is achieved so that we may once again restore peace and prosperity to Planet Earth under the divine and just leadership of God’s first people – The Black man, woman, and child of Afrika.

May our Black Brothers and Sisters see eternal progress,

May our International friends reap the benefits of refined Black leadership and,

May all of our global enemies perish by means of our Black swords.


08-22-2013, 10:53 AM
Pffffft. What a joke. :rolleyes:Why isn't this in Conspiracy Theories?

08-22-2013, 01:01 PM
"May our International friends reap the benefits of refined Black leadership and,"

One just needs to look at Africa for the refinements in Black leadership. :rolleyes:

08-22-2013, 03:24 PM
For the record, I condemn the hateful rhetoric posted on the website linked above. I believe that reasonable people of all races would similarly condemn such garbage. I suspect that his days as a federal employee are numbered.



08-22-2013, 04:15 PM
I dunno. This stuff seems little more than a stone's throw from some of the stuff that Calypso Louie spouts.

...or maybe Reverend Wright...

08-22-2013, 04:33 PM
Ha, Ha, Ha.................what a jackass. I've met the type. They're just like Klansmen in a different skin. Most of them losers, paralyzed from the neck up. And those who are intelligent are playing tin horn dictator.

I would like to know how such an idiot keeps a job with DHS. I also wonder if one can be fired for membership in such a group, so long as he keeps his BS out of the workplace?


08-22-2013, 05:23 PM
I also wonder if one can be fired for membership in such a group, so long as he keeps his BS out of the workplace?


He's probably in the union, so I doubt it.

Rex E.
08-22-2013, 07:36 PM
I dunno. This stuff seems little more than a stone's throw from some of the stuff that Calypso Louie spouts.

...or maybe Reverend Wright...

Reminds me a lot more of these folks


08-22-2013, 07:50 PM
Reminds me a lot more of these folks

