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JJIII 08-22-2017 10:32 AM

Pride in Posting
Would everybody here be proud to show their mother or grandmother what they have been up to on this forum over the last few months?

nailer 08-22-2017 10:44 AM

My grandmothers and mother (recently) have passed on. If still here, I doubt they'd care what I posted on this insane asylum since they'd be unaware of it and not care about its existence if they did. Context is important.

Pio1980 08-22-2017 10:44 AM

I try to maintain a reasonable standard, tho my phrasing and word choices can be rough with an excess of passion

finnbow 08-22-2017 11:01 AM

My parents would be embarrassed if I didn't vehemently oppose Trump.

JJIII 08-22-2017 11:37 AM

I don't care a fig about the political leaning. I was addressing the manner in which a person's views are expressed.

Dead or alive, whether or not they would ever see PoliticalChat, would they be proud?

donquixote99 08-22-2017 11:59 AM

My maternal grandfather yes, it would all be good, because they were my postings, first of all. But I'd expect large sympathy and considerable admiration in any case, and some reasoned disagreement.

My maternal grandmother, perhaps some trouble there sometimes. Confederate roots. I think she'd just keep her mouth shut about some things.

My paternal Grandfather, well, he was a still-waters-run-deep sort of guy. Conservative, a 'maker' sort of temperament, honest and good-willed. Don't think he'd get this sort of thing as a pastime much, but he wouldn't let it bug him.

Lost my paternal grandmother while I was pretty young. She raised three honorable sons, and two sharp daughters, but just don't really know how 'sophisticated' her understanding would be.

finnbow 08-22-2017 12:37 PM

My dad was a JAG officer and was moral and ethical to a fault and very much an Eisenhower Republican (Ike was a personal friend). He was against racism and intolerance long before it was cool to be so and became an Independent when the parties flipped over racism in the '60's. My mother grew up a Democrat in the Deep South and stayed a Democrat when the parties flipped (unlike her sibling). She was always quite feisty and never met an argument she didn't like.

Both of them would be outspoken in their disapproval of Trump and his defenders/apologists/enablers, just as any moral and patriotic American should be. My dad wouldn't confront anyone over it, but my mother would get right in the face of anyone who expressed support for Trump, his beliefs or his demeanor. Guess who I took after in that regard.;)

JJIII 08-22-2017 12:57 PM

Thanks to those that have replied.

barbara 08-22-2017 01:01 PM

I think my mom would be amused and agreeable to the majority of my posts.

My dad was a republican.... I often wonder what he would think of Trump especially since he had such a low tolerance for lies.

d-ray657 08-22-2017 01:16 PM

My dad would have understood and been proud of my posts. My mom would defer. My Maternal grandmother was a feisty sort, and would have appreciated the passion. My father in law checks in from time to time and gets a kick out of my posts.

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