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Twodogs 06-28-2009 02:01 PM

The Buy American Thread
How about a thread where we can pool our knowledge of what and where to buy American made products. I'll start us off;

Redwing and Carolina still have USA made boots, but be careful, they are not ALL made here. You have to look for the Union Label on the tongue. The USA ones also have small American flags down by the laces.

Key still sells USA made clothing, but again, make sure it's their USA "line".

KR Audio for American audio tubes.

Some of Flukes meters are still made in Everett Washington.

That's a start, and it would also be interesting to know what oil companies use domestic oil, if anyone knows.

merrylander 06-28-2009 02:30 PM

What is the refiner that starts with M(arathon - just remembered), I believe most of their crude oil comes from US and Canada. Delta and Kohler still make faucets here. BrassCraft makes those small valves you use for toilets and taps here, got some at Home Depot for replacements. Panasonic makes phones in Mexico which is about as close as you are going to get because all the baby bells have theirs made in China. (I am going to be on Verizon's shit list as I sent them a nastygram with a copy to the PSC - 5 days to repair a phone line - rediculous.) Our Chev Impalas were made in Canada and that works for me. I'll post other names as they occur to me.

soundhound 06-29-2009 12:18 PM

sad that this list is so short.

i'm now 45. i can remember a day if a product said "made in hong kong", i automatically equated it with junk. cheaply manufactured, poorly crafted garbage. i didn't want it. that was a time when "made in the usa" was proudly displayed on the goods that i bought. if i saw the good ole american flag on a product, i equated that with quality manufacture and pride in workmanship.

here's what's up:

because people in other countries are willing to work for much lower pay and no benefits, manufacturers are going to continue to exploit them.

because it is cheaper to buy land and construct factories in other countries, manufacturers are going to continue doing it, there instead of here.

because goods can be produced in other countries free from the constraints of environmental legislation, which is certainly much cheaper, manufacturers are going to continue to pollute them without mercy.

because of free trade agreements, goods can be produced overseas and brought to this country with few penalties such as tariffs, duties, customs fees, etc. good for business, bad for the country.

the combination of these factors and others makes it more profitable to manufacture overseas and ship it here than it is to make it here.

and the average american consumer has little concern for "made in the usa" anymore. i remember watching commercials on tv such as "look for the union lable" that promoted the "buy american" spirit. i don't think a renewed public service promotion would be a bad idea.

Sandy G 06-29-2009 12:42 PM

All else being equal, of course I would much rather "Buy American" than buy something made elsewhere. I HATE not even being given the choice anymore-Thank you, WallyWorld, for killing the local hardware store where you usually could buy "Cheap, better, or best"- Now you get Made in China crap or not at all...

merrylander 06-29-2009 03:26 PM

I guess in today's attitudes you dare not say "look for the union label". What puzzles me is don't people realize we are in a race to the bottom? Globalization is now touted as a "good thing" - good for who? Smoot HHawley is maybe going too far but dammit if companies want to be regarded as "good citizens" then bloody well act the part. I guess Gordon Gekko made his mark - "Greed is good". There was a shirt manufacturer in Canada (Forsyth) (may still be there) whose motto was "No one ever regretted buying quality." They had a white on white dress shirt that I only outgrew as I simply could not wear it out. Now since the water from our well is slightly acid I have to replace the goosneck in the master bathroom shower periodically because all I can find is the Chinese crap made out of rice paper - well they call it brass.

We have the G8 trading nations, let's trade with them and tariff the helll out of the rest.

***News flash Madoff got 150 years, now for the AIG gang.***

Grumpy 06-29-2009 03:30 PM

Rebuilding our chevelle has left us in a very precarious position. When it comes to the motor finding made in the US parts is a little easier.

Dart engineering

Both are still made right here in the good ole US of A

Now when it came to replacement sheet metal all of the dies were sold by GM and the only place they are stamping them is in Taiwan. Sadly quality is really hit or miss.

Twodogs 06-29-2009 04:38 PM

Brinkman Flashlights (Maglite)

Charles 06-29-2009 07:07 PM

Made in America
Let's not forget Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and Vaughan...the finest hand tools you can buy, their hammers are incredible. Not too sure where Moen faucets are made, but they're pretty damn good.

Merrylander, it's interesting that you point out that your water is corrosive...I just met another person from Maryland who claims that the water out there will eat copper water lines. As far as your shower head arms going bad, I've never seen this happen unless someone gets rough with them, or hangs a shower caddy full of stuff on them, which will cause them to break off.

Have to admit, the boiler and shutoff valves, blk iron and galvanized pipe fittings, freeze faucets, etc from China are nothing but junk. I also understand that they produce fake grade five bolts.

But some of their stuff is pretty good.

Sandy G 06-29-2009 07:52 PM

What about Colt ? A goodly portion of Berettas are made in Maryland...Then there's Thompson/Center, FNH/South Carolina, & there's Barrett over in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, not TOO far away from me. A few years ago, guess what was the 2nd largest US export after Boeings ? Tobacco products....US cigarettes, love 'em or hate 'em, sell VERY well overseas. We printed the home sweet hell outta "export" labels...Buicks, Cadillacs, & Chevys sold pretty well in China-Buicks especially. There were a couple models that were "China only"-had no counterparts here. I don't know if that's still going on since the troubles GM's been having-But China was a bright spot on an otherwise very bleak picture for GM.

Charles 06-29-2009 08:27 PM

How could I forget

Originally Posted by Sandy G (Post 2079)
What about Colt ? A goodly portion of Berettas are made in Maryland...Then there's Thompson/Center, FNH/South Carolina, & there's Barrett over in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, not TOO far away from me. A few years ago, guess what was the 2nd largest US export after Boeings ? Tobacco products....US cigarettes, love 'em or hate 'em, sell VERY well overseas. We printed the home sweet hell outta "export" labels...Buicks, Cadillacs, & Chevys sold pretty well in China-Buicks especially. There were a couple models that were "China only"-had no counterparts here. I don't know if that's still going on since the troubles GM's been having-But China was a bright spot on an otherwise very bleak picture for GM.

my beloved Colt's. Sad thing is, Colt doesn't make much of anything anymore, think the .45 and the AR are about it. I did forget Thompson Center...1st class firearms. And Barrett, didn't he move his operations to Tennessee after California outlawed .50's for civilians?

Always was a Buick fan myself. Always figgered folks who bought them Cattleracks were just puttin' on a little too much of the dog. 'Sides, some of 'em was ugly as hammered shit.

Favorite all time car was a '65 Buick Skylark two door hardtop w a 355 Wildcat...which was really a HP 300 CID mill, 11-1 compression, 240 HP, 360 FT...ran like a striped assed ape for such a little motor. Hardly a day went by that I didn't have the speedometer pegged at 120, which is plenty fast for these crooked little Ozark back roads.

Then the do gooders lowered the speed limit to 55...


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