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Old 09-19-2023, 07:32 AM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 8,310
Y'know what...I like the Rahmfather...

Yep...I like Rahm a lot. He took over the job in Chicago, the city that Richie Daley left in financial ruins. He had to do a whole bunch of difficult stuff to keep the city afloat....and he did. And his reward? Nothing but grief from every fucking Democrat in Chicago politics...every one of them with their own narrow agenda and racial/ethnic group they were pandering to. He had to shutter a number of public elementary schools, in both white and minority neighborhoods to keep the system going. Everybody hated him for it (when that happened, I knew he was good). Rahm Emanuel was the best Chicago Mayor in my lifetime.

Rahm Emanuel, America’s undiplomatic diplomat, makes more trouble. What is his agenda?

We suspected it would be thus when Democratic progressives managed to get President Joe Biden, a longtime Emanuel fan, to turn him down for his desired gig as secretary of transportation (a position for which he was eminently qualified) and assign him to shake hands in a metaphorical Siberia, of function if not of location. Progressives were fine with that, they said at the time, thinking Emanuel would quietly disappear into the salad courses of fancy dinners.

Wrong. (We told you it wouldn’t work out that way.)

And good for him.
Absolutely, good for him. Y'know...I've had a gut full of a number of the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

The kind of politician I want representing me in the Congress is the politician I have representing me in the Congress...Sean Casten D IL-6.
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