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Old 10-07-2009, 06:52 AM
Charles Charles is offline
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Originally Posted by Fast_Eddie View Post
See, that's the thing. They've conned you into believing that we can keep lowering and lowering taxes. And when it all goes to hell, they say lower them some more. Okay, you say spend less. But there has to be a point where someone says "ya know, really, we just need more money".

I've been over this. There's no where to cut that makes enough difference that it would change anything other than Social Security, Medicade/Medicare (not going to happen) and military spending. We could make some difference if we were willing to cut military spending. But the people who want to keep taxes so low are the same ones who want to take over the world. Can't have it both ways.

In the mean time, we're up to our eye balls. Time to pay the bills.
I've been conned? Fucked maybe, but not conned.

No one has any intention of paying off the national debt other than through inflation. Besides, as a nation, we don't have enough money TO pay it off.

In theory, should we pay off the debt, we would have the money spent servicing the debt freed up to use for things of substance. And in theory, I agree with you there.

But the government doesn't operate like you and I. And they are busy raising taxes, they just call 'em something else.

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