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Old 10-26-2009, 06:27 PM
Charles Charles is offline
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Originally Posted by d-ray657 View Post
Chas, I think your argument would have more validity if the Old Confederate Home actually housed veterans of the Civil War. At this point in our history we no longer have any living veterans who fought under either flag during that sad period in our history.

If the place of which you speak is a memorial to those who fought on behalf of the south, the flag would have an historical significance to the visitors of such a monument other than simply as a symbol of slavery. You might want to enlighten us on the purpose of the Home.

I think you would agree, however, that many perceive the flag as a symbol of slavery, especially when used in other than the historical context. I agree that the history is more complicated than that, but the complexities of history do not prevent a symbol from evoking a strong reaction. As I said before, there is no Constitutional basis of which I am aware to prevent one from flying that flag. Nevertheless, because it is widely perceived as a symbol of a shameful practice in this nation, people who see value in building a less divisive society would be better served by refraining from such displays.

I am sometimes irritated by political correctness - it can be an obstacle to effective communication. In many instances, however, when one considers using words or humor that play on stereotypes, it can be particularly insulting and insensitive toward people who are assumed to fit those stereotypes.

I will cuss a little bit, but would never be mistaken for a sailor. I generally avoid the F-bomb. But my sensibilities have reached the point that I find it distasteful to even quote an instance in which the N-word is used. (And I don't think it is appropriate for rappers or any member of any race to use the word.) Why can't we just get along?


I already have, but I'll run through it again.

The Old Confederates Home, to the best of my knowledge, was built, and funded by ex Confederates as basically a poor house/retirement home for Confederate veterans. Their pension wasn't much. The site also contains a graveyard of Confederate veterans.

It is now a Missouri Historical Site, it's upkeep funded by the Sate of Missouri. And the Confederate Flag flew proudly from it's inception until....

Gephardt was running for president, and made a statement to the effect that the Confederate Flag should not be flown anywhere at any time. He was ambushed by a reporter who knew about the Old Confederates Home. So as to provide political cover for Dick, Holden had the flag removed.

This really insulted a lot of people. Including liberal Democrats who hapen to be members of the SCV.

I've been summoned to supper, and I know my place. Otherwise I would take this further.

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