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Old 07-29-2011, 03:42 PM
noonereal noonereal is offline
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Originally Posted by flacaltenn View Post
Where were YOU noone when the Dems listed $500Bill in cuts to Medicare in order to "pay for" the ObamaCare bill?
I was against Obama care.

Where are you GONNA BE when they propose raising the retirement age for SS, and means testing?
I support both and at 58 raising the age would have a large impact on me.

Soc Sec needs to be paid for. A difficult proposition because YOU already paid for it once, but the thieves on the HIll STOLE THAT MONEY and skimmed the profit.. The budget CANNOT absorb the liabilities we will see for that fund in the next decade unless we do what EVERYONE said would happen -- and that's to penalize CURRENT workers for the thefts that occurred to PAST workers..
Past workers did not steal it. The stolen monies need to be repaid by theses who stole it.

NO MORE COMPROMISE on this shit.. Sorry -- ain't' gonna happen. The credit rating is screwed and the American people now know that 1 and 1/2 parties need to go away...

I am not sure what you mean by no more compromise but if you are suggesting that you support the misguided teabag notion of bowing to the rich we can fight in the streets about it and I am dead serious.

That they aren't serious about the daily management of this country. They THINK it's some kind of elite reward for getting elected to pontificate and pander and lie.. I'm not gonna watch as the DEMs and McCain pow-wow to protect their asses from the coming retribution.. What we need right now is some plea bargains from the guilty on the Hill to prevent US the people from sacking their sorry asses...
indeed we agree

I was thinking that just this morning. Let the country default, enjoy a revolution and start anew. As things are now it's a rape game both parties take turns at.
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