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Old 10-30-2016, 04:35 PM
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Tom Joad Tom Joad is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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Why Vote Third Party?

If there ever was a time to vote third party, it is now, in this election.

The reasoning is simple:

First, it should be evident to all that the Democratic and Republican parties are 'in cahoots'. There's not much real difference between them. Together they form a duopoly with absolute political and economic power. They distract public attention by arguing about superficial differences, obscuring the fact that they agree on the major issues like:

The BIG GOVERNMENT model is the only option
America needs a huge military budget
War is not insane
No term limits
The 'war on drugs'
Whatever else, keep those campaign contributions rolling in!

Then why not just vote third-party? Here's the reason many people give:

"If I vote for a third party, wouldn't that throw my vote away?".

Let's dispel that myth once and for all. First, if one thing is plain, it's that you have thrown your vote away if you vote for the Democrat or Republican candidate. The two parties are basically the same, and regardless of which party is in power, things don't improve. Recall that it was both the Democrats and the Republicans who rushed into the Iraq war, waving the flag, without a plan.

The truth is, the Republicrat duopoly has arranged so that we have a Democrat for one or two terms, then a Republican, and then back again. It's a sweet system where both parties win. Neither is out of power for very long.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
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