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Old 05-14-2009, 04:44 PM
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SAE2922 SAE2922 is offline
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  • The Rules According to Hoyle.
  • Marquis of Queensbury Rules.
  • Parliamentary Procedure.

Listed above are three bullet points of discussion that should neither be uttered nor considered when dealing with the type of enemy our military is facing today in the Middle East theater of operations.

This is an ongoing battle that will consume our national psyche (think Vietnam) if we do not break the will-to-fight of these madrasa-indoctrinated, religiously-fanatical Jihadists. We as a nation can not be timid when the time comes to unleash our military to break things and kill people. Yes -- I admit that does sound extremely harsh when put down in words on a page and read back for content.

This enemy is programmed to come after our American troops (infidels in their eyes) as well as anybody else that stands in their way for a complete Sharia (Islamic religious law) domination of the local region. The Taliban’s Sharia ideology starts with the local villages and populated mountain valleys and will continue unabated throughout district and provincial city seats in a relentless march, unless stopped. The idea of a world dominated and ruled by Sharia law is a goal that these religious zealots are driven to achieve.

These people do not respect anything or anyone that stands in their way except for raw, brutal force that is brought down on their heads. Our country will forever be on the losing end at the conference table striving to negotiate a solution to end this conflict. These people have been killing each other and stealing one another’s goats for ten thousand years. This centuries-long mindset that is intertwined into the double helix of their DNA along with tribal-ties and a humongous slathering of religious brainwashing spells out only one final long-lasting solution to end this conflict -- America’s military hammer carried out with extreme prejudice.

Sadly, during the savage aspects of war, the innocent will always be standing in Harm's way. It's just an unavoidable fact of life unless two opposing sides are located in desolate, frozen Antarctica.

I do not want my loved ones killed either. I am not championing the armchair quarterbacking of, "send in more young Americans (cannon fodder) to die", while I drink my favorite adult beverage and wait for the enemy body-count like the Pentagon and news organizations did during Vietnam.

Sometimes, very tough and extremely unpopular choices have to be made in life. The Pentagon has a tiger by the tail, and the tiger is rabidly agitated. Not one country on this planet burns up as many brain cells as America in figuring, finessing, finagling, developing, funding, testing and producing accurate weapon systems to kill an enemy that is actively shooting at Americans and spare not only innocent lives but keep collateral damage to a minimum. Absolutely NO ONE !!

As wide spread as the war is in Afghanistan and the amount of ordinance that is being expended on both sides, along with the close proximity the enemy keeps by hugging close to the belt of the innocent while the enemy shoots at us, how can all the innocent be completely spared ??? Well, they can't. It's a war. It's a brutal war. It's a war with an enemy that has a complete disregard for life, including THEIR OWN loved ones whenever the need arises to strike at the American infidels.

Sadly, we as a nation need to speak truth to evil, quit wringing our hands and do what needs to be done to vanquish this enemy we are facing on this battlefield.

Blasting the holy living hell out of our enemy in a pitched battle has absolutely nothing to do with us (the USA) being a "moral nation" or not. It's a battle to kill your enemy before he harms you. Our military can not go into brain-freeze mode every time we have an enemy (1 or 100 count) trapped in a cave or gravel hut, and then begin postulating about the innocent lives that could be lost if ordinance is placed on the target.

We (the nation’s people, the Pentagon deep thinkers and military leaders, and Washington, D.C. lawmakers) need to come to our senses and figure out what it takes to win a war. It will be extremely painful and far reaching into our collective souls to lay waste to our enemy. The alternative is a replay of the infamous round-table bickering in Paris, France during the Paris Peace Accords to end the Vietnam war. When U.S. National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese politburo member Le Duc Tho finally signed on the dotted line, South Vietnam effectively ceased to exist and America lost a great slice of its soul. We can not travel that road to internal destruction again.

If the enemy takes over a madrasa (Islamic indoctrination school) full of many innocent children in which to hide behind, just what can our military commanders do in such a situation? We must finesse the situation and have Special Forces at the ready.

The worst action to take is a wait-and-see attitude. These are not Boy Scouts we’re fighting. Innocent children will most probably die. Washington and America must open its eyes widely and brace up to the fact that war is a messy business. We are fighting a blood-thirsty group of people that knows no bounds to reach their goals.

The sooner that America comes to see this enemy for what it really is and the grotesque actions it uses to reach its goals, the quicker America will begin to develop a means-to-an-end attitude to blunt the worldwide Jihadist movement. There is NO simple solution here. This will be a decades long struggle to contain these savages.

America must change its collective thinking on the art of wagering war. America must begin to think about winning with our heads held high and not pacification with our tails tucked between our legs.

Our military is ham-stringed and hand-cuffed enough as it is. There is no need to add a desert-camouflage-pattern blindfold to our troopers' battlefield handicaps.

Last edited by SAE2922; 05-15-2009 at 10:49 AM. Reason: spelling V
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