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Old 04-25-2023, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Ike Bana View Post
So...what have we learned here? We have learned like the rest of conservative Republican christian extremist assholes...whell has an obsession with transgender American citizens.

I suspect he is also a fan of states that now have laws interfering with mental health gender-affirming care of minors, and believe it or not, in Missouri and other red states, making mental health gender-affirming care of adult Americans illegal.

What ever happened to "my body, my choice" eh? We know what happened...when it's my body my choice related to covid vaccinations it's fine, but if you're a kid or an adult with gender identity issues, or a pregnant American woman, it ain't "my body, my choice" anymore.

Fucking hypocrites.
Well, Ike, you can have that take-away if you want. But I know you'll also not let the facts get in the way of a good rant.

Frankly, since you asked, I could care less about trans-gender American adults. They can do what they want with their bods, dress however they see fit, etc. Minors who are generally not equipped to make adult decisions even on their best days should not have access to such care - particularly like the WA bill that would allow a minor to undergo treatment w/o their parent's knowledge - should have such care delayed until adulthood.

Now, back on topic: the takeaway here is that a pair of marketing execs made a decision to use their advertising to make a statement about something that has nothing really to do with their product. This is referred to as "image advertising".

Sometimes that works out really well. Here's an example of an image add that Budweiser did a few years ago. It's truly memorable, it associates the product with values of hard work and sacrifice while also sneaking in a bit of commentary on "anti-immigration".

Image ads don't work well in all cases. Bud Lite's latest is an example of such an ad. It alienated customers: both men who don't identify with this particular spokesperson and women who saw Mulvaney piling on stereotypical female behavior.

In turn, sales dropped. Bud's distributors also took a hit. By every objective metric, this was an ad campaign that was ill-conceived and poorly executed.