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Old 06-15-2009, 11:36 PM
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soundhound soundhound is offline
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: clarksdale, ms
Posts: 156
the problem with the economy is that the gap between rich and poor has to grown to such a point that the poor can no longer afford to buy all the crap the rich are trying to sell to them.

the costs of healthcare have driven our manufacturing base into the toilet. eliminate the insurance companies. they're all crooks. socialize medicine there, i said that ugly word). healthcare should not be for profit.

increase spending on education. a better educated workforce is more productive, and better qualified for the work.

decrease spending on wars. war is hell, and it is expensive.

legalize and tax drugs. i've read that 80 billion a year leaves our country and goes to support terrorism. this doesn't count the money that's being spent on drug enforcement.

change the laws that make it more profitable for industries to produce goods in china and other places instead of here in the US. that's a big reason why unemployment is so high. i can remember when "made in USA" meant something.

fine the hell out of businesses that are paying illegal immigrants. if there is no work here for them, they'll go home, americans will get those jobs.

break up all the big corporations. no company should be allowed to get so big that its failure will do significant damage to the nation's economy. for goodness' sake, that's what the sherman anti-trust act is for. use it.

too many people in this country are making money from investments. that's money for nothing folks! that money has to come from somewhere, it is coming from the poor people who have to pay more in order to cover the shareholders and it's coming from the workers who are having their benefits cut, being forced into early retirement, etc.

if you want to make money, work for it and save.
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