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Old 10-01-2012, 11:48 PM
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Originally Posted by mezz View Post
Listen. You can choose to remain in as much denial as you like regarding Obama, but Romney is clearly a moderate. Most liberals have said so themselves when describing him as some kind of faux conservative. Only a moderate has a chance to unite this country once again and only someone with some understanding of economic policy (business background is going to help here) has a chance of offering some real solutions to our economic problems. The idea of Obama might have been a worthy experiment had the man been able to live up to the idea, but we've got pressing problems and it's time to stop f-ing around. That is all Obama and company seem to know how to do. You want four more years of that, get your money in the Caymans too if you've got any left to funnel there.
There he goes again! Even with four years of Obama history your guys haven't been able to find anything substantiative to hang your hats on. Just a bunch of vague and easily disputed opinions that the black guy is going to take away your money, guns and women. Talking points memo is all projection pure and simple and ridiculous, Mezz but keep on deluding yourself but save your faux sympathy, dude. It doesn't wash and that dog won't hunt, no more.

This election is going to be a referendum on the Tea Party congress more than on Obama. As the new old saw goes, Osama ben Laden is dead and GM is alive, that alone is enough but your guy spouting that nonsense about the 47% at his $50k a plate fundraiser couldn't have been worse for R$R. I'll be toasting the back of your far right, new age John Birch/Ayn Randian fringists on Nov.7th. The republican party is going to clean house after this election and we Democrats are going to be coming for what's left of your turkeys during the midterms in two years. Count on it.

The Tea Party are the ones with failed doctrine and fringe issues if you haven't noticed. Nobody's buying it anymore. Your guys have had their fifeteen minutes of fame and limelight. Now it's time for serious people to govern and for the inheritors of McCarthyism and obstructionism to crawl back under the proverbial rock. See ya again in another fifty years or so. I doubt that I'll be around for the next revival of the 'No Nothing Party' unless Obamacare can keep me alive past 100 years old.

The only way Romney could win would be a remake of the 2000 election but count on one thing this time, there will be plenty of Dems watching the polling stations this time around, like hawks. No more fixing elections for the Repub party, as in the latest kerfuffle with the RNC's Strategic Solutions. If it comes down to the Supreme court stepping in, the right doesn't have fix in as they did in 2000. Roberts and Kennedy are looking to their places in history more than to their allegience to this neoconservative psuedo movement infecting the body politic.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
- Mr. Underhill
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