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Old 05-20-2022, 05:44 PM
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Oerets Oerets is offline
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Gas prices and the future....

OK, I for one dislike the high gas prices. Yet know that the price at the pump is a false equivalent in actual reality to price of oil the planet and us.

If the true price of using fossil fuel products were to be told and believed. Horror would be replaced with panic rather quickly by the masses of the uneducated in reality.

Fossil fuel use is a crunch humans have relied upon much like a junky and a fix. The pushers of fossil fuels have addicted us and will kill us all if nothing is done soon. All to line their pockets.

If tomorrow the price of let us say chickens were to explode would there be a drive to kill as many chickens as possible to lower the price? To a level that replacement would be impossible? Chicken can be replaced in time yet.... Can the fossil fuels in the ground! Are we going to in time be held hostage if not already to the ones who have the supplies?

Humans have shown time and time again that they will use up, deplete resources. Well some human societies that is..... We just don't have another planet to move on to at this time.

So with the high fuel price right now. Better get use to it. For the outlook was told, not enough were listening who mattered.

Short time comforts over a long term one.

OBTW water is next.....
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