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Old 10-14-2018, 07:19 PM
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donquixote99 donquixote99 is offline
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It is your right to vote against Prop 2, and it is my duty to tolerate your doing so. As regards me, you are on safe ground as to all that.

Again I see you wishing for wider reform, a desire that list makers and other powers be more clear and honest about what they're up to. I'm all for that, but it's a big problem, and many changes will have to happen on the way to achieving such transparency, accountability, etc. I actually think more competitive legislative districts is a step in the right direction, and suggest you consider the anti-gerrymandering proposition in that light. But getting responsive and responsible policy is not a thing that can be achieved quickly or easily, with, say, just one effective reform. It's more like a never-ending struggle.

Need more evidence that attempts to solve problems should always be expected to cause more problems than are solved. On the face of it, that seems to be an argument for never attempting any sort of improvement of things.
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