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Old 07-24-2011, 04:49 AM
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Brother_Karl Brother_Karl is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueStreak View Post
So, society is not to move forward unless each and every individual gives his or her full consent? How is that even possible? I hear it all of the time, Karl. "Why should I have to comply with that regulation or pay that tax, I never consented to it."

The answer is simple; You will never achieve anything if you have to wait on a unanimous decision from the masses. Heck, half the time it's nearly impossible to do so with a simple majority.

Some just have to deal with it, when they don't get their way. We all face that from time to time. That's just how it is.

Dont make the mistake of thinking that, when I am against something, I am for everything else within this system.
It is not my fault that the system that we live in is created in such a way which makes it essential that everyone is coerced.

But lets get past that and get to the fact that this 'social contract' extends far further than it actually needs to. Why should people in Washington or people in London get to tell me how to live my life? If I want to have sex with my brother, for example, I should be able to but instead I have to abide by something written down by people who I do not know and do not care about.

Furthermore, lets not call it by its official name. 'Social contract' is an insult to language and its definition is an insult to reality. Lets not pretend that this is anything more than the states ownership of human beings such as me and you. Lets discuss things frankly and lets use words that suit reality rather than fantasy.
"They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me."-Nathan Lee, Bedlam.

Last edited by Brother_Karl; 07-24-2011 at 05:54 AM.
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