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Old 05-03-2011, 08:11 PM
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finnbow finnbow is offline
Reformed Know-Nothing
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a) The majority of DEM leadership offered virtually no resistance.
Dem's are perpetually afraid of being labelled as weak on national security and the WMD story had found fertile ground in the American imagination.

b) Clinton didn't choose to follow the European leaders insistence that the sanctions were over because of lack of justification from the Weapons Inspection teams. In other words, my #2 option above.
I simply don't follow where you're going with this point.

c) What the neo-con plan was when they rolled thru that country and can't find a TRACE of the stuff they claimed was there? They knew they'd have to bear that humility and degrace.. What made it worth it?
I think they started to believe their own story about WMD's (and their lame intelligence allowed them to). In Washington, if your boss continues to tell a story and seems to believe it, you start believing it as well.

If we chose to attack because of TWA Flight 800, why the hell didn't we use that rationale? The country would have jumped on it like white on rice. In all honesty, your explanations/theories don't explain a thing, but confuse a lot.
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