Thread: Womens rights
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Old 07-14-2016, 11:07 AM
noonereal noonereal is offline
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Originally Posted by merrylander View Post
Ed it sounds like you are speaking of retail, a notoriously bad job. When Florence and I met she was managing a 7000 square foot dress shop. She was also putting in ten and eleven hour days, but as management she did not get overtime. Then they gave her another even larger shop that the previous manager had turned into a disaster area. Shortly after I came down and we were married she asked me what I thought of her job. I told her and she gave two weeks notice and the traveled with me while I was teaching overseas - much better.

But the crap that she had to put up with from her District Manager was just too much so I pissed ijn his cornflakes figuratively.

I can't find a link but you really should read Margaret Sullivan's column in today's WaPo. Quite an eye opener.

Exactly correct.

I worked a very similar job. The busiest store in a 1,600 store chain I managed. The pace was fierce. No joke, 2 years in a row I literally feel asleep at the
Christmas meal table after having worked two months, EVERY DAY (7 days a week) . My short days were 8 hours twice a week. Averaged about 65 hours a week.

And I never missed worked. Even when my kids were born. Not one day. When my son was born, I went in late, when my eldest daughter was born, I came home early and I happened to be off for my youngest, it was summer. \

Then to top it all off, I made too much money to be promoted!
They brought in some guy from the south who was paid literately half of what I was and had zero clue how to run a multi million dollar store to be the district manager!

Good old capitalism. I obviously did not work hard enough nor smart enough (although I won their award for best manager in the country) to advance.

So I quit and got a a GM position for small company with a handful of stores. The old, you have to take a step backward (always in pay) to get ahead nonsense.
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