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Old 02-04-2018, 07:20 AM
Grouch Grouch is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 60
Say it ain't so Baraka!

Dang it, I'm sorry for 'ol Bam-Bam after last night's news. I would a missed it 'cept foreign born Missus Grouch insisted on watching some Indian quack on CNN. As I departed the room it caught my eye. Right there on that scrawl at the bottom of the screen in pure D black and white (or maybe white and black) it said “British march against Health Care” and right after that in an eye blink it said “Riots in Calais over Immigration”. Now y'all know these things are true, hell CNN wouldn't make up news would they? Snort* 'Scuze me, I digress.

So what's a feller to believe? For 8 years ol' Bam-Bam told us if we'd just gentle down and quit being so damned American, Europe could catch up with us and we'd be all one big 'ol happy family of the world. Just don't seem fair to all our So************************t, liberal, progressive, pinko commie home grown twinkies doing their damnedest to put on the brakes here while them Europersons are slowing down the march to one world Nirvana their ownselves. Makes the whole darn goal a moving target don't it?
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