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Old 03-16-2012, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by BlueStreak View Post
What makes you think everybody wants to be really rich, Bill? Most people don't even try, and contrary to popular belief it isn't just 'cuz they're lazy or stupid. Sometimes it's because they love what they do. And if they're comfortable with the money they make from it........

But, don't take this to mean that should be taken advantage of. Most people still expect to be able to live off of the money they make. Which leads me to;

You know, I agreed with you that we're all green. You came back with your typical, "'re all living off of us Republicans..." line. Well, I dunno, there are some pretty rich Liberals out there, who employ a lot of people as well. (Look into who Bill Gates supported in '08.....) But, regardless, you and Ayn Rand do have a a degree. You see, when the masses have nothing left to lose......Well, that's generally when the bloodiest revolutions take place. And, by the time they reach that point, a rich guy is a rich guy, regardless of how he got his loot.

It can go both ways. There is plenty of history full of wealthy heads in baskets.

Oddly enough this great wealth imbalance started unnder Carter in 1978. Dems had all three branches of government yet what did they do for the middle class? Nada, Nowt, Nothing. Bills before Congress; Tax reform - defeated. New consumer protection agency - defeated. Election Day voter registration - never got to the floor. Health care reform - defeated. Tying the minimum wage to average manufacturing wage - defeated. Overhaul of outdated labor laws - filibustered to death. All despite having 61 Dem senators. So it does not really matter much as both parties have been bought by the monied interests.

Our form of government ensures that business will rule, especially in the States because no state government will impose regulation on business simply because that business will pull up stakes and move to another state. There was some hope after the 17th Ammendment that the senators would not be as corrupted but they still get bought.
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