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Old 05-23-2011, 10:26 AM
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finnbow finnbow is offline
Reformed Know-Nothing
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: MoCo, MD
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I guess what has me a bit chagrined about this whole dust-up with Obama's speech is that he vocalized what has been pretty much our defacto policy for the past 20 years (1967 borders with land swaps) and he's taken to the woodshed by the Netanyahu and the GOP.

Our body politic is willing and able to vocalize all sorts of various positions regarding our various allies in the world without all the "sturm und drang" (Freedom Fries anyone?), but the instant that anything is said with which the Likud party or their (mostly GOP) enablers in Congress ever-so-slightly disagree (even if it's been said before), it solicits a "how dare he throw Israel under the bus?" response.

Compounding my confusion on this issue is that anyone who says that the Jewish/Israel lobby has too much influence in Washington is shouted down as anti-semitic, while at the same time our politicians are forced to bow down before AIPAC. I would argue that Israel has greater influence on our politics than the residents of at least a dozen of our own states.
As long as the roots are not severed, all will be well in the garden.
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