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Old 12-17-2012, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by JCricket View Post
A thought.

The right to bare arms is guaranteed in the consitution - some debate as to it meaning, but it is there.

The right to buy ammunition is not.

Out law premade or manufactured ammunition and control who can buy the supplies and tools to make ammunitions.

Just a thought like I said.
Let's examine the 2nd Amendments text as ratified by the states in 1791:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Until very recently, when the nine kings and queens of the US ruled that individuals have the right to bear arms without that first clause, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state." getting in the way. So, effectively the the SCOTUS rewrote the Second amendment to read, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." completely ignoring the first half of the amendment.

A true "strict Constitutionalist would interpret the 2nd amendment to mean that people could own a muzzle loaded rifle, pistol, or a blunderbuss to be called into service at anytime to serve in a "well regulated militia." The founding fathers never envisioned Glock "9's" with thirty round clips or AR15's with 100 round clips.

Don't kid yourself, the semi-auto assault style weapons can be more deadly than a fully automatic weapon. Even the modern military M-16 is no longer fully automatic, short burst or single shot only. If you have ever fired a full auto weapon, and I have, it is very difficult to control. It is fun though.

I am by no means an anti-gun nut. I have owned hundreds of firearms since I was eleven yeas old. I love to shoot. Many of my Liberal and Conservative friends love to hunt and shoot at the range with me.

In the Newtown shooting the weapons that belonged to the crazy survivalist mother should have never been accessible to her obviously mentally ill son. Owning all those weapons did not do a damn thing to save her life; did they?

There has to be some logical controls on high capacity clips. I think any clip should not hold more than seven shots. Pausing to reload in the most recent shooting could have saved lives. More heavy doors locked to protect the children in the pause between reloading and shooting. This psycho was not a pro by any stretch of the imagination. Reloading would have taken more time with smaller capacity clips.

Then we have to discuss the underlying problems with our society. The 20 year old MAN was living with his mother. He should have been out on his own, going to college, or working to provide for himself. The feeling of depression and worthlessness will drive people insane.

It is a fact that these mass killings have accelerated rapidly in the 2000's. This correlates with the massive income inequality and the lack of jobs for the disappearing middle class.

Income disparity has been proven in study after study that if monkeys, human children, apes, etc... are unfairly rewarded in their environment the losers tend to become violent.

A subject for another thread.
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