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Old 12-10-2009, 07:30 PM
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doucanoe doucanoe is offline
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With respect to our economy, you're probable right for the time being but we're in decline, largely as a result of offshoring virtually all of our manufacturing and even a significant portion of our food production. Meanwhile other economies like China, India and Brazil are gaining on us. Taken together, the EU countries may already be on a par with us.

As for our poor - why the hell do you use quotes? - there are many countries where the social safety net does a far better job of supporting those at the bottom. The social democracies of Europe, like Denmark, Sweden and Norway, do a far better job than we do.

Bullshit. One thing these countries have done, is not produce and provide entitlement lifestyles to anywhere near the extent we have. Liberalism has done more to destroy generations of peoples in this country than capitalism by a long shot. We are so distant from Denmark, Sweden and Norway in this regard that reasonable comparisons cannot be made IMO.

Okay, argue it. Where are your facts and supporting data? As it happens, you'll be wrong but I'll wait to see what you come up with before I weigh in further.

I apply logic and reason. You go ahead and provide whatever you wish.

Child labor laws have always made provision for farm labor but not, interestingly for, say, a family-run machine shop. Of course, family farms are becoming pretty much a thing of the past. Living in Minnesota puts you in a position to know that.

Yes, you are correct. Not sure what your point is but you are correct.

In recent years state and local governments have if anything gotten smaller because it's starved for resources. Here in California we're even to the point of shutting down police departments in smaller cities and turning the police responsibility over to county sheriff's departments. Schools are closing, waste disposal operations are being privatized, public transportation is being cut back, etc.

I'm glad you brought that up. California is a wonderful example of what I am talking about

Under Bush federal government did grow while at the same time shedding itself as much as possible of the responsibility to govern or regulate. It instead became a haven for political cronies and utter hacks whose purpose was to cater to the wishes of the industries they were charged with regulating. Agency heads were drawn from the industries they were charged with regulating. Critical positions were awarded to people on the basis of their political connections or political ideology without the least regard for

And this is changing how?, Don't get me started.

Not feeling stimulated yet.
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