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Old 12-11-2009, 07:17 AM
noonereal noonereal is offline
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Originally Posted by doucanoe View Post
Who are you kidding,
Why the abrasive arrogant tone again?

capitalism has provided for your lifestyle and the most prosperous, robust economy in the world. Even our "poor" and down on their luck have it much better here than anywhere else.
This is not true. FDR and labor unions are primarily responsible for the fruits of capitalism to be somewhat shared with the masses. The success of capitalism has little to do with what you have because it would continue to rape the masses without a strong government.

I would even argue that child labor laws came about in part from the capitalism that you despise.

I despise capitalism? You really are a gem. I agree that labor laws were necessitated by the abuses of capitalism.

Without the prosperity created by it, the need for child labor to put food on the table would have continued with or without laws governing child labor. It would have been a matter necessity.
It was never a necessity. Child labor was greed inspired.

It doesn't compare to the past, but children still work farms all over the country. I know I did. That concept might be a little foreign to you because of location.
You are about the most off putting poster I have ever encountered. I worked the farm every summer until I was 22. Then I tried to buy a farm but found it had already become out of reach and I would not be able to compete with the kids who had inherited one.

You can certainly have OSHA, FDA and other regulatory boards without the expanse of government we see today.
These were dramatic expanses of government in their day. Seems like a good idea no?

Have you looked at how state and federal government has grown even in the last 10 years??.
Yes, I am well aware of the prescription benefit given to the pharmaceutical lobby. I am also painfully aware of the military expenditures into a country that was classified as contained by out military for future oil.

It grows because thats the nature of the beast. It's very self serving for the "industry" and careerist's it creates.
Which are synonymous with big business.

Yes, I want less government.


Nothing wrong with less government as long as less government does not translate into a wider divide between rich and poor.

You know it seems to me you have adopted a belief and now twist everything to fit it. Read the replies in earnest and not in indignation. You may come away with a different impression.
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