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Old 05-31-2022, 08:02 AM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
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Originally Posted by BigElCat View Post
Now they're saying it was 80 minutes.

Police threw up a perimeter to deal with unruly parents (desperate to save their kids) while they rehashed state vs federal authority.

So...the first time I experienced this was back around 1990, I was out and decided to pick up a cup of coffee at 7-11. There's this patrol car sitting in the parking lot, windows down, cops there in the car. I figured it was a donut break. So as I'm heading toward the door the driver says something like, "You might not want to go in there." So I ask if there's a problem and I'm told that the store alarm went off. They obviously were not going in there. A few years later I'm on my way into a Target store, there's a cop at the door, tells me there's a possible incident, man with a gun inside. But none of the cops are going inside. About 10 years ago the silent alarm went off at the counseling agency where I worked. Nobody knew it had been set off, but there's a patrol car sitting at the curb in front of the office. So...the office manager asks me to go out there and check what's happening. The cop says..."Your alarm went off." So I innocently say, "Oh, OK, it's just that you've been out here for a while and we didn't know what it was about." The cop is annoyed with my comment and says, "We don't know what's going on in there, we're not going in there."

Well these 90 Texas cops hanging out in the hallway on the other side of the door of a fourth grade classroom for an hour knew exactly what was going on in there. They could hear the automatic weapons fire.

Last edited by Ike Bana; 05-31-2022 at 08:48 AM.
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