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Old 06-01-2022, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by piece-itpete View Post
Sorry if it seems I just do drive-by posts. My life is just so busy.

I do appreciate the candor guys. I will return the courtesy. It mostly says, the guns rights folks are right about gun regulations being a slippery slope to a ban.

Ike I get the European thing. They are very different though, mostly much smaller, more like our states. Also, I don't have the time to research, but a few years ago I did, and if you take out suicides the numbers are much, much closer per capita. Take out our very bad neighborhoods and your chances of being shot in the US is very very low.

I looked online - according to Pew, gun deaths in the us were at 47,xxx near the end of Dec 2021, 54% due to suicide. By comparison car crash deaths in 2021 were 42,xxx.

Finn I doubt our august Founders would've wanted our minutemen to have outdated weapons! The 18 to 21 thing, maybe it's time to consider raising the age of self determination to 21. It might hurt the military though.

Pio that's a real stretch. I'm thinking we need to teach more history in school.

Background: I 'accidentally' own 3 guns (inherited)(22 revolver, little 28 auto and a 38 auto) and am considering 3 more (45 1911, pump shotgun and AR15, with the AR currently unlikely). Since Ohio passed their new no-permit needed CC law I've been considering putting the little 28 in my drivers door pocket (hidden of course) - I do go into some very bad neighborhoods for work. I will never register these guns.

For the record I grew up learning gun safety, thanks Dad. Considering the reality of the vast number of guns in the US I rec this to everyone, heck the basics should be taught in school, young.

I've got to ask - if ANY of you had a gun, and the opportunity, wouldn't you have tried taking the shooter out? Assuming you had a clear shot.


Since it's been brought up in this thread, I'm a conservative. Shocking I know I couldn't bring myself to vote for the arrogant jackass or the arrogant witch so I did something new - I tossed my vote to a write in. 'Why Not Zoidberg' for Pres and 'Bender B. Rodriguez' for VP.

This just in- they didn't win. Heck they were both foreign nationals. How low we have fallen.
mmm hmm

don't invest in any guns. Your 38 auto is superior to a 1911. Slip me a shipping address, I'll send you 50 rounds to practice with.
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