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Old 09-13-2016, 09:55 PM
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donquixote99 donquixote99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Grumpy View Post
I say they all made a fricking mess outta it. WHY the hell penalize folks who don't have insurance with massive IRS fee. Just plain insane !!

It's not insane.

Look, the idea is that everyone gets insurance that takes care of the big part of their health costs. Everyone. Including a lot of people with known big health risks, that used to just be denied insurance.

This is to be paid for by everyone's premiums. So the young and healthy pay more than they get, usually (unless they get in a big car wreck or something). The older and sicker get taken care of. Flash forward 3 or 4 decades, and the young ones are now the older and sicker, and the generations behind them carry the load.

BUT what if the young folks say "Hey, I'm not real likely to get cancer. I'll just freeload until I'm older and sicker." Then the whole thing falls apart, because the money won't be there to pay for those who need it.

So that's why the penalties. To keep the young and healthy folks from freeloading.

So there's a reason. It's not insane. It still may not suit you, but it's not insane.
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