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Old 07-17-2014, 05:51 PM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 8,310
Russians shoot down a civilian airliner...

As far as I'm concerned the Russians and the Russian supported militias in the eastern Ukraine are the bad actors in this situation, and have been right from the beginning. I can't say what either Putin or Donetsk leaders Borodai or Girkin would think they have to gain by shooting down a civilian airliner other than to blame it on the legitimate government of the Ukraine. Doesn't matter what they were thinking, only that they did it.

The eastern Ukraine is nothing more than Putin's Sudetenland. It doesn't matter now many Russians there are living east of Kiev, or how many Ukie's there are living east of Kiev who bought the USSR pie and who's allegiance is to Russia. The Ukraine is a sovereign doesn't belong to Russia, and Putin's excuse that the citizens of the eastern Ukraine are being discriminated against and suffering from some sort of maltreatment is utter bullshit. This is about natural gas pipelines and the Russian's Black Sea naval base. Sevastapol is a city in the Ukraine, it's not a city in Russia. The Ukrainian government and the majority of ethnic Ukrainians want to join the EU and leave Russia behind. Those are the issues...not some bullshit alleged anti-Russian prejudice.

And now the Russians have murdered 295 people and Putin and the Donetsk leaders are war criminals. Reckon if Obama and the rest of the west will have the balls to make them pay.
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