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Old 12-06-2012, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by finnbow View Post
I agree that parents have as much or more to do with childrens' success as any school. OTOH, in inner-city or other impoverished areas where parent(s) have no formal education, no meaningful work experience, etc., positive parental influences don't exist and the schools are forced to act in loco parentis if we, as a society, expect these kids to grow up to be successful/productive.
This is NOT directed at you Finn. However, I am really tired of this argument. I fully recognize that times are different, kids get exposed to certain influences may too early, etc, etc, etc.

However, I think about my parents growing up during a depression, when bread and milk sandwiches were on the menu for dinner - if they could afford dinner. There was no TV, no money to keep lights on at night so they lit candles, kids finding whatever they could to play with because there was no Xbox, etc. Kids were taught to be grateful for the little that they had, any small success was celebrated, and there was much more a sense of community than there is today, supported by folks actually getting together frequently with their neighbors, whether formally or informally just sitting on the porch in the evening talking while the kids played in the yard together.

We now have a society where expectations are high and entitlement is the currency. There is no sense of gratitude and achievement is disparaged. Parents are more concerned about what's going on at work than what's going on at home. I've heard more times than I care to count about folks who can't wait to get to work so that they can get away from the kids. Community now comes to you via your TV which usually brings you the most depressing possible view of the world, while families retreat inside their homes at night and tune out the world outside.

And then we wonder why kids have no respect for themselves or others?

Rant over. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
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