Thread: Oil............
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Old 12-30-2009, 12:10 AM
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BlueStreak BlueStreak is offline
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"How will that help us? The damn government'll just put ours on the world market while we watch the rest of the world suck us dry real quiklike. It won't be reserved for ''just us''."

No. We won't just give it away. That's rediculous. At that point, it becomes a huge bargaining chip. One we can use to get whatever WE want. And make lots of money while we're at it. It puts us in the "catbird seat", as they say, here in the swamp.

"P.S., could we even begin to imagine the BIG war .. if the USA was the only country with oil left under its feet?"

Yes. I can imagine that. As a matter of fact, that's the whole point. If we are sitting on the oil, our enemies run out before we do, and we win. Ask Hitler, tanks aren't much use without fuel. Neither are naval ships, or heavy bombers.

Or, we could do the short sighted, greedy and stupid thing that the oil brokers and that imbecile from Alaska want to do--------"Drill, Baby, Drill!"
That's it, piss it all away as quickly as possible, virtually assuring future dependency on people who will, no doubt, still hate us a hundred years from now.

"When the lie is so big and the fog so thick, the Republican trick can play out again....."-------Frank Zappa
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