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Old 02-03-2022, 08:07 AM
Ike Bana Ike Bana is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 8,310
Joe Rogan clarifies OOGATZ!

I got as far as 1:35 when the first chunks of lies came spewing forth from Rogan's festering piehole.

I was done with this bullshit at 1:35, when...

In the act of explaining how "things change", Joe Rogan continues his bulllshit disinformation campaign on the mRNA vaccines providing immunity from infection. Nothing ever changed. Right from the beginning when the mRNA vaccines were first made available we had all the information on how they worked. Doctors already knew that the virus was so lethal that it would kill a patient before the patient's immune system had time to develop anti-bodies to defeat it. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines caused the human body to create a replica of the spike protein coating on the virus that our immune systems would recognize, and develop spike protein anti-bodies so that the immune system would be prepared to eliminate the virus before it kills us. That's it...those vaccinated have an immune system that is prepared to fight the virus before it kills us.

WE WERE NEVER TOLD THAT THE mRNA VACCINES WOULD PROTECT AGAINST INFECTION!!!!!!!!! We were told that we could not depend on the vaccines for immunity from Covid-19.

So...when Joe Rogan says otherwise, as he did in this "clarification", he's lying all over again. We were never told that we could depend on the mRNA vaccines for immunity from Covid-19. So this is just the sort of "clarification" one can expect from a lying-ass schmuck like Joe Rogan.

Last edited by Ike Bana; 02-03-2022 at 08:12 AM.
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