Thread: I was thinking
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Old 03-30-2015, 05:06 PM
noonereal noonereal is offline
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I was thinking

What are the most conservative countries in the world? (was wondering what other people had to put up with what we do here in the USA from imbeciles)

Here is what I found from the first link that appeared when I put "most conservative countries in the world" into the Google search engine.

The most liberal areas of the world are its big cities and college towns, and often coastal areas with unusually nice climates/quality of life. It generally includes people with more education and more exposure to people of different races, religions, ethnicities, and national origins.

The most conservative areas of the world are its rural areas, usually characterized by a lower level of education, more religious fundamentalism (that is, the fundamentalist wings of every major religion, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism), and less exposure to people of different races, religions, ethnicities, and national origins.

One major overlay to this worldwide pattern is slavery. Areas with a long tradition of slavery (including variants masquerading under other names) tend to be more conservative, and to be so in a particularly harsh, rigid manner--more reactionary than conservative, really--due to the way slavekeeping warps the slaveowner culture, due to the fact that people don't like being slaves. So slaveowners have to be brutal and obsessed with "honor." This culture-warp can outlast slavekeeping by centuries--especially when the slavekeeping's end is
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