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Old 04-29-2011, 10:51 AM
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d-ray657 d-ray657 is offline
Loyal Opposition
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Johnson County, Kansas
Posts: 14,401
Good points sir.

As I see it, religious institutions have their own means of enforcement, within the context of the religious institution. A Catholic can be excommunicated for violation of the church laws. Some conservative Catholic churches deny communion to one who has divorced. I have heard of people from protestant churches being expelled for conduct not in keeping with the mores of the church.

The membership in a church and adherence to its principles is a voluntary exercise and should remain so in the eyes of the civil authorities. There would be serious constitutional problems should civil courts be called upon to enforce religious edicts. I would think the church authorities would have greater concern with the possibility that a court could review and rule upon a decision made according to religious principles - a significant interference by the state in religious doctrine.

WRT the Tenn law - if there is a conspiracy to commit terrorist acts against the state, that alone is a sufficient basis for prosecution. When the law addresses the religious nature of any organization, that is where it goes astray. In particular, I found the preamble to the legislation to be offensive.

P.S. Glad to see that you've made it through the storms.


Then I'll get on my knees and pray,
We won't get fooled again; Don't get fooled again
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