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Old 10-06-2017, 08:58 AM
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BlueStreak BlueStreak is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: The Swamp
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I believe that the old guard, Pelosi, HRC, and so many of the others are lost in the past, still fighting old battles that newer generations of voters neither understand nor care about. You won't get far preaching 40+ year old issues at people who were born in the '90s.

What the Democratic Party needs is someone who can effectively communicate WHY so many people must work multiple jobs, WHY so many manufacturing jobs moved overseas and why it's unlikely that we'll ever see a return of the "glory days" of gigantic factories that employ thousands of low skilled people at high wages. WHY WE NEED TO GET AND STAY FOCUSED ON THE FUTURE AND LET THE PAST GO. They should be exposing how whack-o conspiracy theorists and bible-thumper zealots are controlling the narrative over on the other side of the isle. (I recently hung out on a right wing chat room and read hundreds of hilarious posts on "What is God trying to tell Conservatives with all these Hurricanes?". Oy, Oy, Oy......)
"When the lie is so big and the fog so thick, the Republican trick can play out again....."-------Frank Zappa

Last edited by BlueStreak; 10-06-2017 at 09:00 AM.
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