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Old 09-14-2022, 10:20 AM
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Rajoo Rajoo is offline
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How Faux News is destroying America

This is nothing new of course, but I often skim their 'news' offerings because it usually leads to the next controversy which is then picked up by their congressional water boys. These politicians make their living parroting Faux which of course is the echo chamber their viewers live in and this then get repeated over over regardless of how credible it is.

Here is an interesting one.

Former President Donald Trump’s allies in Congress are planning to use congressional investigations to put the spotlight on one of his most prominent critics — the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley — should Republicans take control of the House in November’s midterms, say six people familiar with the plans.
And now here is the why.

“For our members, he is a big lightning rod,” said a Republican familiar with the House GOP plans. “Republicans want answers on a lot of things, and Mark Milley, because of his position and public comments, including in books, is the person to answer.”

Milley has also been vilified by conservative media personalities like Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who has called him “stupid” and “a pig” and accused him of treason. And one Republican House candidate called for Milley to be executed on live television.
Republicans used to the party of war on terror, now they are the cause of terror. Gaining control of the House is not to govern but to settle scores.
White Christian Nationalism:
Freedom for us, order for everyone else, and violence for those who transgress.
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