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Old 09-12-2009, 09:54 AM
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Bigerik Bigerik is offline
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I don't know, but I am really starting to think that the US economy is not fixable anymore.The corruption and greed has taken a hold of all of US aspects of the US citizenry to such an extant that any meaningful discussions will not take place to correct things. Just look at the negative discussions around health care. Having all of your citizens healthy and able to contribute to your country is an obvious GOOD THING, but those discussions turned so ugly it just beggared belief.
So, how are you going to make the real hard decisions that will be needed to turn the country around? For instance, the manufacturing base of American needs to be restored. People have to start being willing to pay more to purchase US made goods, and pay much more if needed, to kill the huge trade deficits. The trade deficits are a huge cut to the jugular of the United States, and real wealth is just pouring out of the country. There will be no economic recovery until the trade deficits are corrected. But who will tell Americans they need to stop buying Japanese cars right now or purchasing Chinese DVD players at Wal-Mart for $39? Who will tell the corporations that they have to stop exporting jobs and closing down plants in the US and take the $.05 per share hit of the bottom line?
To be honest, it looks like something worse than the depression is going to be needed to turn America around. And from what I see, the worse is still ahead of you guys....
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