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Old 02-13-2021, 12:57 PM
Reason10 Reason10 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: Florida
Posts: 298
Concepts of color to divide people?

How about "Meet Willie Horton?"

Do you even know what Willie Horton incident was about? I'm pretty sure you don't because you would have known that it was first revealed by AL GORE.

How about Reagan's "Welfare queen?"

To bring everyone else up to speed on that idiotic argument, I take you back to a 1976 Reagan speech, with the exact wording of Welfare Queen.

“She used 80 names, 30 addresses, 15 telephone numbers to collect food stamps, Social Security, veterans’ benefits for four nonexistent deceased veteran husbands, as well as welfare. Her tax-free cash income alone has been running $150,000 a year.”

You probably didn't know that's what he actually said when he used the term Welfare Queen. So first question, WHAT RACE was he referring to? He didn't mention a race. Or maybe I should ask, what race in YOUR MIND is so inferior, devious and cunning would be the ONLY race who would commit the kind of fraud that Reagan was referring to. And if you say black, you probably didn't know that there was a HUGE number of poor white trash women who download illegitimate babies and lose the father for profit. Unlike you, I don't see a race in this. I see a society cancer that was created by government.

By the way, the article was REALLY partisan and ignorant. And apparently it conveniently left out the fact that Wallace was a DEMOCRAT, like other segregationists Democrats of the day. (Fulbright, Gore, Byrd, Hollings, Maddox, Clinton.)

How about endless examples from Trump rhetoric, from "Mexico sending rapists" to "Shithole countries?"

The exact quote of Trump:
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," Trump said. “They're not sending you…They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

“Kill, rape, control.” That's the motto for Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, a transnational criminal organization dubbed “the most dangerous gang in the world.” The gang formed in the ‘80s and has its roots in the fertile gang soil of Los Angeles. MS-13 is predominantly made up of Salvadoran immigrants who sought refuge in the United States during the Salvadoran Civil War, and is known for aggressive crimes throughout Central and North America
Trump was right. Mexico is not sending its best to America. There's nothing to dispute about that.

As far as shithole countries, what do you think Hondurans and El Salvadorians running away from? Why would they cross a thousand miles of Central American jungles, put their children at risk of disease, rape and being sold into American prostitution rings? Are they leaving total paradises, where everyone has two cars in a driveway and makes six figures a year?

Tell me what is racist about calling such a place a shithole. What race are we talking about. Negroid, Mongolian? Caucasian?

If you're in a reading mood, you might persue this, which traces the racist intent behing 'law and order' rhetoric from Nixon to Trump:

If you somehow think there is ANYTHING that Nixon (the most LIBERAL Republican president in history) has in common with Trump, you are reading stuff written by idiots. Simple as that. We are talking about situations NOT EVEN IN THE SAME CENTURY. Also, if you have a problem with Nixon's law and order concepts, I guess you didn't vote for Biden, the man who helped draft the law in Congress that wound up locking up blacks all across the country. Last time I checked with Trump, he had signed a criminal law reform bill that emptied a LOT of prisons, a goodly portion of those released being black.

By the way, your article was uninformed and stupid and incorrect. George Wallace ran as a DEMOCRAT. He was a racist and segregationist, same as other Democrats: Albert Gore Sr, William Fulbright, Lester Maddox, Ernest Hollings Jr, Bill Clinton.

Your partisan mudslinging on this issue cannot be regard as serious or honest arguement.

Intelligent people take it seriously all the time.

And again, look at who is doing all the namecalling. You've called me a racist and a troll and for no good reason.

Right now, I'm the only one actually DISCUSSING stuff. You have yet to offer ANY argument whatsoever, except for TROLL and RACIST.

Read more, post less.

Last edited by Reason10; 02-13-2021 at 01:07 PM.
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