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Old 04-20-2013, 02:54 AM
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ebacon ebacon is offline
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Even if the new kid is right with respect to the math he still misses the point. Namely, there is more to life than math and ever increasing numbers.

When a society prints money without bound one needs to ask what the money is being spent on and the answer to that is pretty simple. While at first it might be spent on wages, those wages ultimately get spent on stuff. That stuff comes from the earthball which is the same place that real money comes from. Real money traditionally consisted of things such as gold, salt, silver, etc or easily portable paper that could be converted into those things. The net effect of sustained debt growth is therefore taking from the earthball faster than it can replenish itself. That action manifests in things such as obesity, oil dependency, pollution, etc.

Nothing is free. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

I doubt that Ryan and modern Republicans think that deep, but old Republicans certainly do. That is the root of their agrarian thought.
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