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Old 05-17-2009, 03:05 PM
Charles Charles is offline
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Not me. The sadist's are the one's who are looting your 401K/IRA/investments (via stock market), your savings (via inflation), while attempting to control your life (via regulation), using the very problem that they created as an excuse to save you from the problem that they created.

It's all about control, and making a buck while doing it. Where did all of that bailout/TARP money go? Why doesn't the government want it back?

Face it, we're all sitting at the big boys poker table, and they cheat. Other than luck, a basic understanding of the game is the only chance you have of protecting your assets.

Just attempting to provide a little knowledge as a public service...and perhaps stimulating a touch of lively discourse.

Hell, this is about politics, and what is more political than money,
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