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Old 12-10-2010, 10:24 AM
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piece-itpete piece-itpete is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Dang it, I did make a major error in my haste. I guesstimated the rate by eye on the following, but inadvertently used the percentage of returns filed instead of tax rate, d'oh.

So my 25% guesstimate should've been 5 to 10%. My sincerest apologies. I'll use 7%.

Interestingly it does show that overall higher income generators do indeed pay a higher percentage of income.

For state:

But at least at the federal level it does not include a whole boatload of additional funds extorted out of us in various devious ways. According to this:

income tax generated only 44% of total federal reciepts in 09. So you can easily double the effective rate for a clearer picture of what we are actually paying.

I'm very surprised no one's done a state by state map using averages for local. You'd probably get a lot of site traffic.

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