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Old 05-20-2009, 11:11 PM
Charles Charles is offline
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It's because we're a bunch of suckers, and the politicians know it.

It's the Wizzard of Oz/playing both sides against the middle routine.

As long as they can keep us slugging it out over one issue or the other, they can hide behind the curtain and pull the levers. They have human nature to their advantage.

But, when the great unwashed quits all of the infighting, and starts to collectively look for the turd in the punch's not long before their sorry asses are spied sticking out from behind the curtain.

Then it's pitchfork and torch time. It's happened before, and will most likely happen again. Bad thing is, the pitchfork and torch brigade may eliminate one group of bottom feeders, but they're soon replaced by new ones. To the cheers of the multitudes.

Perhaps we really are too stupid to live without our masters.

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