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Old 04-25-2010, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by noonereal View Post
Whats with the three stooges?

The points were;

1). The "Three Stooges" are where the mentality of "everything bad that happens is all Clintons, or Obamas, or the Dems, or the liberals fault."

My boss and other former coworkers blamed the entire mess on "Clinton", still do. How so? It makes absolutely no sense. But, you can't tell them that.
Management fucked us out of our jobs, and no one else. Period. It wasn't Clinton, or Carter, or Barney Frank, or Bush, or Obama, or Mexicans, or UFOs, or the goddamned shadow people, it was our own greedy, selfish, assinyne capitalist managers. And THATS the truth!

I'll tell you why my friend thinks this way; Tune in to EIB and listen for a while. There's your fucking answer.

2). We were told, point blank, that the way HEALTHCARE is done in this country is TOO EXPENSIVE. The Canadians moved our jobs to Canada because the company doesn't pay for healthcare there. The citizens do through their taxes. At (In 2003) $300 to $1,000 per month, per employee, x 200+ employees, that's an assload of money. Why in the fuck would they do business here? I wouldn't.

I apologize if I came across as angry just now, Noon. I'm not mad at you, or anyone else here. I'm just frustrated.

Chopin. Where are my Lps? I need some Chopin. Somebody put on some fucking Chopin before I spontaneuosly combust.

"When the lie is so big and the fog so thick, the Republican trick can play out again....."-------Frank Zappa

Last edited by BlueStreak; 04-25-2010 at 07:34 PM.
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